Who is the First Famous Commenter?

Famous Bloggers Club is Happy to announce the launch of the First Famous Commenter contest. As we always wanted to please our members and blog visitors by all possible ways. We are going to give the top commenter of this month $50 worth prizes plus the promotion and 3 backlinks to his/her blog.
And get ready to hear this, prizes are able to increase at any time during the month, as I am expecting more earnings from our blogs, or maybe someone would like to sponsor this contest by contacting us. So be ready to hear good news at any time and earn more cash from this contest.
Contest Rules:
Simple like always, write about our contest and link to it using us using the anchor text Famous Bloggers and that’s it.
- $30 Cash via PayPal, from Famous Bloggers blog, get PayPal account if you don’t have because this is the only way to receive your prize.
- $19.95 one year membership of Elegant Themes which has a number of high quality and great looking themes for WordPress.
I am sure you all knows that this kind of contest depends on the value of comments at the end, it’s not about how many comments you are feeding our blog, so keep away from red lines, add a value to our posts in your comments, maybe share some of your experience will increase your chance to win, no “Thank you”, “I like this post” or “Call me plz” will count on our contest.
Good luck everybody, and looking forward to see high value comments from all of you, and let’s see who is going to be the First Famous Commenter!
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