Who is the First Famous Commenter?
Famous Bloggers Club is Happy to announce the launch of the First Famous Commenter contest. As we always wanted to please our members and blog visitors by all possible ways. We are going to give the top commenter of this month $50 worth prizes plus the promotion and 3 backlinks to his/her blog. And get […]
Do you need a new fresh Start with the new Lumin Theme from ElegantThemes?
Even thought I am a fan of dark themes, but for some reasons I stopped using it on my blog, they say the white background is the best for readers, but it’s not a bad idea to install a dark theme on your portfolio blog, especially if it looks great like the new Lumin theme […]
How Famous Bloggers Sewed a new Dress using Thesis theme?
After spending some time on tweaking Thesis Theme on our Famous Bloggers blog – do you see any changes?! Tell us what you think about it. This is not the only news I am going to tell you today; I also decided to activate Famous Bloggers Discussion Forum. Now we can discuss about anything related […]
Good News and new Hotness for Thesis Theme Developers
Almost everybody –bloggers– knows about Thesis theme, but in case you don’t know about Thesis and you have a WordPress blog running, let me say that you will love Thesis theme specially the new Thesis 1.6 version. You will really like to get Thesis theme for your blog, it’s not only because the options it […]
2009 Open Source CMS Awards: Another Approve that WordPress is the Best CMS Platform Ever Exist!
Today, I got the news from Jaypee Habaradas about Worpress award in my email as I am subscribed to his blog RSS feed; this makes me feel great and more confident because I am using the Best CMS platform for blogging ever exist. WordPress has been a warder on 2009 Open Source CMS Awards. I […]