Every blogger wants fresh blogging ideas to write about them everyday but most of them find it difficult, but being a part of several Social Media sites I notice that people talk about several topics and share their opinions widely, this inspired me to keep following a few companies that promote their new products by […]
How to Put the Kibosh on Content Scrapers & Thieves
The most common way that I have caught content thieves is through trackback notifications. As long as you are receiving trackback notifications via email, you should be able to catch the majority of content scrapers. Just be sure you click through all your pingbacks so that copied posts don’t go unnoticed
5 more Reasons you must Guest Post
I am surprised that this advantage of guest blogging is not given due importance in any of the articles about guest blogging till date. My article on dailyseotip.com has already got 7 sphinns though it was not exactly the best written one. I can not think of a better way to build a trusted profile on a social media of your choice.
WP Automated Blogging Plugins: is it a True Business Opportunity?
How many times you came across an automated blog? How many times you have read about a new WordPress plugin that works automatically to publish posts on your blog with out you do any effort? Could this be a new business opportunity? In discussion forums you will find everything possible, people who waste your time, […]
The Ultimate Link Building Strategies
All the tips on this post are to be considered for an effective link building and can help catapult your website to the next level of search engine rankings.
What is the Advantages and Disadvantages of HUGE and LONG Link List Blog Posts in the long term
I decided not to do long list posts anymore and reduce umber of external links in my posts, maybe 10 up to 30 is not harmful and painful as a 100 list post. I believe you know now the disadvantages of long list posting.