Tips To Keep Your Blog Going While On Vacation

We all like to go on vacations sometimes, but its important to plan ahead before traveling to other parts of the World. These tips should help you organize your blog and essentials you will need when planning your trip.
Before Leaving
Draft Articles
Before heading off on your adventure you should consider planning how your blog is going to be managed, a good start would be to have articles written out ready, write enough articles so your blog is covered for the period of time you will be away, doing this task will allow you to spend more time enjoying the vacation.
Schedule Articles
WordPress has a handy option integrated allowing you the ability of scheduling your draft posts to be published on a certain date and time, all you have to do is input the specific time and date you want the article to be submitted and WordPress will automatically publish your scheduled articles.
Auto Email Responses
Its important to put together a small auto email response note explaining you are on vacation for a set period of time specifying the dates you are gone and will be returning. This way anyone who emails you while you are absence will be notified, that way people contacting you wont feel like you are ignoring them.
Trusted Friends
While you are gone, consider having someone with experience to watch over your blog just to make sure everything is running smoothly, therefore if something goes badly your trusted blogger friend can see to the matter, or contact you if needed in emergency.
What to take on your trip
If you have a Laptop, take it with you just in case you have any emergencies that need seeing to, also handy for checking up on comments and replying to them at the end of your day. Though make sure where your traveling to has internet wifi.
Cell Phone
Another handy tool, most people these days dont go anywere without their cell. Very good for contacting people if needed to be, also good for checking up on Emails while abroad.
Login / Passwords
Not sure about you but when it comes to passwords, I have so many, sometimes I forget, write them somewhere or keep them stored safely so if you do in fact forget login details you wont be in trouble since you brought them safely with you.
Are you going to be taking a vacation this year? How do you plan to prepare for the trip?
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