So You Want To Be A Blog Rockstar?

There are people who will always stand above others when it comes to blogging. These people are not always savvy in web design, but they have something to say that is valuable to the Internet masses.
A lot of times these people will blog without ever expecting anything regardless if they do have a business online. They also know how to influence people.
Those people are called Blog Rockstars.
What does it take to be a blog rockstar?
It may seem difficult become influential in a niche where there are many people competing to be the number one website where people will visit, read, and apply what they have read wherever they are – online or offline. The problem is that people are thinking too much about it. That is why so many people confuse social media and social networking. By the way, social media is a marketing tool, not a website where people can interact. Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, and such are social networks. When a person puts their posts out on the social network streams, they are applying a type of social media technique. That post is advertising itself and practically saying “Here I am! Come read me!”
Here are a few tips in becoming a blog rockstar:
Be honest
No one likes people who are fake. Even if you go by a nickname, be true to yourself. Make sure you create a solid brand behind yourself so you will be unforgettable.
Be knowledgeable on your topics
You cannot run a successful site if your content only tells half the story. Cover as much as you can. However, if a topic is too long, break it up into smaller sections. Each part of the blog post your originally wrote can be posted in a separate entry. It makes visitors look forward to more if they were interested in the first part of the article.
Be unique
There are millions of websites on the Internet. There are millions of people that surf around daily. It is no use having a website if you cannot provide something that gives a little something different than the rest of the web pages in your niche.
Be open to conversation
Your visitors leave comments for a reason. Be willing to reply whether you agree or not. If your visitor has a website, visit them and leave a comment. This allows them the same opportunity to get feedback.
Have a well designed web site
Whether you design it or have a professional do it for you, it is important that if you want a successful site, you will have to have one that is not just aesthetically appealing, but also efficient to navigate.
Offer something for free
Be willing to sometimes offer something without having to get something in return. Even if your site only offers advice, you are offering something to your readers. Your articles will allow people to find the information they are interested in and you will be seen as an expert by your readers.
Be willing to work
Your site will not build itself. You will have to write everything, and also promote it. Remember, You are not guaranteed that you will have the same amount visitors everyday. A site’s traffic is always fluctuating. If you want more traffic, you will need to find ways to make it happen.
Do you know anyone that you think is a blog rockstar?
Is there any other advice you would recommend to anyone looking to become a blog rockstar?
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