Why I am Still Feeling Like a Baby Blogger?

So many bloggers out there, but who is who? I really want to know! This post saw the light because I was inspired by the recent post on FB by Donna @DonnaFontenot about how to impress longtime jaded bloggers with a comment, that was her entry in our contest, so be sure to read it. Donna is a nice person, a blogger and she is also an awesome E-business Coach who knows about engaging.
You might have some questions for her, visit her blog and just talk to her!
But, I am going to talk to Donna here this time, mmm.. maybe because I think I can talk to my friends on my own blog.. Hey Donna, even when we published that awesome post of yours just few hours back, it’s on the TOP of Google’s first page right now by searching the team “jaded blogger”! Amazing! Yeah?!
Thank you for the feedback!
I remember when Donna contacted me right after she registered to FB to submit her post, and she said.. that there is a virus alert on the top of the dashboard, so.. I replied to her and told her that this is my AntiVirus plugin for WordPress, it actually remind me everyday to check the blog, and some times I don’t because my hands are inside the blog almost everyday, so there no chance for a virus to hit us! I must say .. Thank you so much Donna for contacting me that day! (Do anyone trust any other AntiVirus plugin? Plz let me know!)
You to?.. If you find anything that you don’t like, something suspicious or the blog is acting like crazy, I really appreciate if you contact me! It’s better to have more than one eye watching these 334 bloody awesome articles full of benefits that we have published together so far during the last 9 month on this blog!
I am actually terrified just by thinking that we could lose this amazing content one day if something wrong happened, and because of that, I sleep with both eyes open!
Oh! by the way, I don’t mind to lose the very first blog post on FB, I was taking a look to check the date today, and I found that post was dated 11 Aug 2009 when I was setting up and testing the blog, it has no one commenting or replying, but only me.. replying to myself 🙂 well.. yeah! Maybe I should update that post and say something nice! Or what?
Why I have that feeling?
I have been blogging for almost 3 years now, and I still feel I am a “baby blogger”, newbie from the best kind.. What about you?!
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