How to Intelligently Use Yahoo Answers as Your Quality Traffic Source

Yahoo Answers is probably the most popular question and answer website on the web. There are many other Q&A websites out there, but you’ll find that Yahoo Answers have the most traffic and it has higher authority in the search engines. Try to search on Google (or any other search engine) about any question, and chances are you’ll find several results from Yahoo Answers on the first page of the search engine result. That’s why this website can become a powerful quality traffic source for you.
Here are 5 tips you can follow in order to intelligently use Yahoo Answers as your quality traffic source:
1. Build a high quality, content-rich website
This is the first requirement for you if you want to make this method work. Why do you need to build a high quality, content-rich website? That’s because this is the only type of website that you can link from Yahoo Answers. This is the only type of website that will be considered as a good information source in Yahoo Answers. You can link to this type of website safely. But, if you only have a website full of ads and no valuable content, you’ll likely get banned from Yahoo Answers if you’re trying to link to this website.
2. Be a top contributor on Yahoo Answers
Of course, becoming a top contributor on Yahoo Answers requires patience and dedication, but if you do it little by little to reach the top, you’ll eventually get there. It is important to become a top contributor on Yahoo Answers because your answer will be perceived as more valuable. In this way, you’ll get more attention from the users that read your answers.
Moreover, your link will be considered as high quality as well, thanks to your reputation.
3. Don’t be a one-liner, always give a quality answer
In order to be a real contributor on this website, you need to give a quality answer for each question.
Don’t be a one-liner. No one takes a one-liner answer seriously. Be a real expert in this site and you’ll gain prominence very quickly. Give quality answers even though the question seems trivial to you. Don’t give half-hearted answers that don’t give any value to the asker as well as the readers. Make your opinion count.
4. Give your website URL only if the topic is highly relevant to your website content
Don’t be too generous in giving your links in your answer. Really, there is no more dangerous act you can do in Yahoo Answers than to give links in each of your answers. This will quickly be considered spamming. You should only give links in your answer if the topic is highly relevant to the content that you link to.
Remember, be mindful with this method. You can get your account banned and your effort wasted if you’re too careless about the linking strategy.
5. Never link to a landing page
Your account might be at risk if you keep linking to a landing page instead of a content-rich page. Why? That’s because it is essentially forbidden for you to link to a commercial page.
Why again?
Well, that’s a policy from Yahoo Answers website. However, there is a logical explanation to this policy. This website is supposed to be a good information source where users can ask questions and obtain quality answers. That’s why linking to a commercial page (or a landing page) will essentially defeat this purpose. But, if you link to a content-rich page (from your website), it will contribute more information to your answer, which is why this is the best way to gain backlinks from Yahoo Answers.
Follow the above tips to intelligently use Yahoo Answers as your quality traffic source. This question and answer website can be a source of quality traffic for you because it is full of people who want to solve their problems. In other words, they’re very good potential customers.