3 Winning Tactics All Top Marketers and Celebrities Like Charlie Sheen Use

The Winning 3 to Become Famous!
- Get the audience’s attention
- Get people following
- Get people supporting
If you want to make it big as an Internet Marketing Guru these are the ways to do it!
For example, some of the best marketing tricks are done on YouTube from people whom are actors or great videographers. They know how to captivate their audience in ways which are either good or bad or just plain funny.
When Charlie Sheen got recent media attention, Google Trends went HOT and listed “Charlie Sheen Winning” as the top search term. Not to mention, he gained an extra 2 million+ Twitter fans. However, the truth is you can make it big from scratch.
Let’s look at other examples of NORMAL people who are starting and how they began their journey and become either a celebrity or very popular in their niche:
- One guy by the name of King Human is a very smart Actor/Internet Marketer who has over 7 million Youtube views. He talks about ways to make money online but in a humorous way.
- And even more amazing is a 16 year old kid who has over 219 million views on YouTube his name is Keenan Cahill. He likes to do lip syncing on popular songs and is just plain funny to watch. He has captivated an audience so big that he is now on TV commercials all over.
- Another guy on Fiverr.com by the name of Mgrim has thousands of people following him as a result of his video review services. He not only offers to create videos for $5 but makes them funny and has created huge attention and fan base as a result.
So the moral of the story here is think of something different and get on the radar. if it’s great, people will love it and share it with their friends. It doesn’t have to be a video, it can be a blog post as well. There are countless blog posts out there that are written so well for the readers that they gather thousands of views.
If you are not as celebrity driven or a creative thinker as much as the guys that continue to dominate both YouTube, Digg, and Reddit, I suggest you drive traffic and popularity through other means such as Google. After all, Google is the giant and indexes all of these sites. Just follow the trends see what is hot and post about it. For example when “Charlie Sheen Winning” was on the Google Trends charts, everyone started posting about it because they know this is what everyone is searching for.
This is the great thing about the online world – the possibilities are endless.
Good Luck!
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