Unlock the Secrets to an Irresistible Blog: The Soap Opera’s Guide to Blogging

I’m not a soap opera watcher. It’s not something I do on a daily basis for a couple of reasons. First, I find their multiple plots too absurd with all of the crazy situations and secondly, I’m rarely home during the day to catch them.
However, during my recent move out of state, I’ve come to have more time to spend at home with family members who watch these shows. While these shows are on, somehow within minutes of entering the room, I find myself drawn to the perfect-looking people and high-end life styles that these fictional characters lead.
Even though I’m not the biggest soap opera fan, I’ve found myself asking questions and wanting to know what’s going on. For a brief moment, I find myself caught up in the lure of soap opera drama.
It makes me wonder, what if I could harness that same alluring power on my blog? What is it about soap operas that make them so irresistible that they can draw in even the most skeptical viewer? How could I apply that to my blogging efforts?
As I pondered the answers to those questions, I realized that there are techniques that I could borrow. Of course, I’d never subject my followers to stories about a young woman who, as the result of a family secret, accidentally marries her cousin, who really turns out to be her brother and ex-step-dad…
But I could do the following:
Pique Curiosity
I could hook readers fast and hook them early with interesting and engaging openers. No one wants to read a long and drawn out introduction. Start with a quick personal experience story or a vivid example that uses words that affect the five senses. That way, even if they hadn’t intended to read the full post, they’ll be compelled to stick around and find out what happens.
To keep readers coming back, create a carefully executed series of posts to create a sense of suspense up on your blog. Don’t be afraid to create cliffhanger posts that end in elipses (…) and a call to action to return the next day for the conclusion.
Create an Emotional Connection
You are your blog’s biggest star, are you allowing people to emotionally connect with you? Don’t be afraid to reveal some little known secrets about how you’ve solved problems and achieved success. People read your blog because they want to connect and get to know you – give them something to hold on to.
Be Controversial/Dramatic Sometimes
Don’t be afraid to speak out on something you really care about, even if it isn’t what most people will agree with. Sometimes, it takes one person who calls things into question to get others thinking about things from a new perspective. Stand up for what’s right and just, even if it’s controversial.
Create Addictive Content
Sometimes you’ve got to sprinkle a little crack into your posts (just kidding!) But you do want to make them crave your content; make them need a fix. When someone discovers quality content on your blog, the human want for more kicks in. That’s why one great blog posts with related links at the bottom can inspire a click through spree. One visitor can plow through tons of pages in one sitting.
Create an Experience
Whenever you can, give your readers a taste of the good life – or your life, however it is. People love to escape from reality and experience someone else’s life (why else would people watch Soap Operas?).
They want to take free trips into new and exciting worlds. That’s why it’s important to share your life experiences on your blog even when you think they aren’t related to your niche. In my opinion, any experience can be cleverly linked and related to blogging.
Take the inspiration for this post for example, it is a direct response to my recent life change. I analyzed my response to an emotional episode of Young & The Restless, and worked out how I could use some of those techniques on my bog, and so here you have it!
So what do you think? What else could you do to create an irresistible blog that your readers won’t dare miss an episode?
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