Thursdays Are Twitter Chat Day For MyBlogGuest!

Good news for Twitter fans who want a boost in their guest blogging career! At, the platform dedicated to connecting writers and blog owners for projects, we have announced the beginning of our official Twitter chats.
Thursdays at 11 AM EDT (3 PM GMT), anyone can get together on Twitter to discuss guest blogging topics, SEO tips, (freelance) content creation, social media and more. Not only is it a great way to learn tactics for improving your work and the effectiveness of (guest) posts, but you can learn about useful tools and resources, or just network with others in your field.
Every week there will be the team members to answer questions and lead the discussion. So if there is anything specific you want to know, you can ask your questions. If you don’t have a question, don’t worry… reading those provided by others can be very illuminating.
Here’s our plan for the upcoming weeks:
- Get MyBlogGuest members closer connected via Twitter;
- Invite featured members from our community (those who *get* it) to share their knowledge and experince;
- *Listen* to our members to better understand what the community loves / hates at our platform (we are always improving!)
- More to come!
How To Follow The Chat
Any tracking tool can be used that is compatible for Twitter. The hashtag is #myblogguest, so you can even use the Twitter’s live update search to follow it. This is usually less effective than using an app, however. Here are two tools we recommend:
- Tweetchat #MyBlogGuest room;
- Twebevent #MyBlogGuest room
With both you can adjust the frequency of updates, filter our RTs, etc. After signing you can easily join the discussion (#myblogguest hashtag will be added automatically!)
If you want to help spread the word about this chat, you can get an official banner from the website here. Feel free to invite your friends and fellow guest bloggers or blog owners…the more the merrier!
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