Everyone hears the stories of sites that sold for 100s of millions and into the billions. Everyone wants to build the next YouTube. There is also a ton of money in the internet. More dollars are being spent on internet advertising than any other media outlet today. With computers becoming so cheap and growing internet […]
Are Developers still working on Local Servers
I don’t work on my local server to avoid problems when uploading my blog or website to it’s host, basically I do web design, HTML, CSS, and some PHP, I create blogs, setup plugins, I like to test new plugins and most of them will probably work on my local machine server but not all of them will work good on my web hosting server, so I prefer to save my time and upload everything to the exact place and web hosting that will host it for ever and avoid immigrating the code and database.
Behind the Curtain of Web Hosting Reviews
Once upon a time, you could read a review of a product or service and take it as a more or less genuine opinion of the service. In this age of self-publishing, there’s nothing to stop anyone posting a review whether it’s good, bad, or neutral. Some of these reviews are published in the interest of making money, and the review process is merely a ruse to edge you into buying a product. In this article, we’ll discuss the different pitfalls of trusting web hosting reviews too much.
How to Move from Bloggers Blog to WordPress Self Hosted Blog in less than 3 Minutes?
I just got this question yesterday on my post about upgrading WordPress on My Life Thinking blog “I wish I could upgrade but I am still on blogger. I wish someone would write a post about exactly what the complexities of switching from Blogger to WP. I have nightmares (not really) about losing all of […]
Giving Away $1,500 Worth of Cash – Big Chance to Win!
The roles is easy.. The prizes are Huge, and you can get up to 15 points if you completed the easy steps, it’s a Thanksgiving contest, the contest is big as you see and the $1.500 worth of cash prizes are great, In order to take part in this contest and get a chance of […]