A Social Media Tip for Small Businesses

As the internet is pushing its limits, businesses are getting more exposure online. With the boom of social media, it is now easier for business to go viral and promote their services and products. When we talk about social media, the next thing that comes to mind is Facebook and Twitter. Twitter is important and business friendly some times more than Facebook.
I heard a while back that this is no delete option on social media; what you submit is there in the universe of social media forever. That’s true!
Real Time Indexing
Google and other search engines like Bing operate in real time, and whatever you type gets crawled by their search engines with even less than a minute.

If you clearly look at the image 1 you will see that the tweet has been submitted on twitter less than 10 seconds ago.

Take a look at image 2 and you will see that Google real time search crawled the same tweet within one minute.
Things small business should care about!
The purpose of this test is to tell you that social media is open and that you can write whatever you want. However, one thing that every business, especially small business, should remember is that once you tweet or submit any content on facebook the information is permanently in cyberspace. If you have or any plan to use social media in your marketing strategies, make sure your content is proof read, contains no liabilities, and passes other verifications. People do make mistakes, but in social media, you have a very limited margin for making mistakes.
I am not against social media strategies for businesses – in fact, I think they can make a real difference in your business, but one should be very careful while being online. One wrong tweet/post can hurt your business reputation.
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