Why Social Media Has Increased the Marketer’s Stress Level?

Once upon a time, Myspace made it so interesting for us as we were able to communicate with friends, colleagues, and create attractive pages that our connections thought were quite cool.
Then blogs took over and the growth created copycats, followers, and eventually an entire industry servicing just that – blogs. Now there are online communities broken up into different genres, such as business, parenting, arts, food, and much more!
Now online communities, the free internet marketing tools for most businesses, have grown to be responsible for the “waste of time” that most people refer to when they have lost a good part of their day sitting on their behinds, communicating with people they’ve never personally met before.
Social media has become an industry of its own. With services from Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, StumbleUpon, Linkedin, GooglePlus, and more it is no wonder most bloggers get paid a great deal of money to keep up with them!
Some Important Elements of a Blogging Schedule
Believe it or not, there are actually techniques used by many bloggers to help them keep their sanity. In fact, if you are patient enough, you might find it all very doable towards your growth to successful online presence.
Here are just a few ideas to help you get started:
Schedule your posts – don’t overwhelm yourself. If you have a schedule of what you know you can do at the times you can do them, you will surely notice an improvement in your productivity. There are many social media schedulers out there. Pick one and use it as often as possible!
Engage your followers – some of the most rewarding results are from knowing that your followers are reading what you’ve got to say. Posting is not enough if you have no idea if anyone even cares. Get your peers involved and you should receive some great results!
Share a few posts – followers love this. Some bloggers absolutely get tickled pink when you share their stuff. It is a sign of appreciation as well as a possibility of gaining new followers.
Find out how long these activities will take for you to complete on a weekly basis and create a blogging schedule that will help you complete everything you need to do. A lot of bloggers have fantastic dreams of adding as many available features on their blogs as they can but don’t realize how time consuming each can be. Remember that you will gain the respect around your community much faster if your peers know you are returning engagement with them. Being “jack of all, but expert of none” can lead to a lack of productivity and an overall waste of time.