How to Find DoFollow Blogs in a Specific Blogging Niche?

Lots of people these days spend hours and hours searching the internet for DoFollow blogs in a try to get backlinks for their blogs by adding comments to these blogs, they will even pay someone to do the commenting work for him/her. There is hundreds of blog posts talking about DoFollow blogs and how to find them, but what if you want to find DoFollow Blogs for particular blogging niche?
Ok guys, before I talk about anything I want to tell you that on this post I have used one of the awesome DoFollow images designed by our DoFollow expert Extreme John, and I would like to point to a trusted project of Kristi, it’s the DoFollow Blog Directory & Compendium, and it’s highly recommended for you to submit your DoFollow blog to it, I mean come one guys, how come someone of our community and a great bloggers friend is doing a great effort to make this great website available and I don’t see your blogs there!
And Here we go!
Let’s say that you will search Google trying to find what you want, by logic you will use keywords like “DoFollow blogs” or “U comment I Follow” or whatever will came into your mind to find these blogs, and also you will try to add keywords related to your niche as well, but when I tried this I couldn’t actually find any good results, and what I mean hear by good results is niche related results, of course you will find tones of DoFollow blogs, but is it’s not on the niche you are looking for! And also maybe they changed their strategy and Google still cashing them as DoFollow, but in fact they are not anymore! So.. forget about DoFollow blog lists now!
The traditional way.. is it working?
The most known way to find DoFollow blogs is to search by images, and try to find the DoFollow image that should lead to a DoFollow blog, but also this will not work the way you want, and will not bring results related to a particular niche search! And you will find yourself ending where you have started!
Brilliant idea!
Now! We are about the exciting part or our post, so.. be ready! while I was searching I found a really brilliant idea, why it’s brilliant? Because it’s a way to earn money online that I want to share with you! it’s a kind of DoFollow blog directory, but it seem to not a directory as we used to see, but anyways it has a search form that help you to search between 904 blogs, and it’s all DoFollow blogs in a specific niche of your choice, and it works some how!
After submitting my blog, I got a message says that operation successful! And my blog is waiting approval queue, and there also a number of the request, and at the bottom there is a button that say “Understood” and it seem that I have to confirm by clicking it.
Wait a minute!
The search box on that website is actually a Google Custom search box, which means the process of submitting blogs is made manually, mmm OK.. now I got it!
They use the submit form to let you add your DoFollow blogs, this form probably is not attached to any database, but it’s a kind of sending email form, that will send the blog info to the webmaster’s email, then simply the webmaster will add your blog to his Google custom search list, to tell Google to search only on these domain names, I got this exclusion because when you search for a blog or a niche the search return a few URLs from the same domain name!
So, basically it’s a way of making money, of course for the owner of the website, and it’s also not bad for you to add your DoFollow blog to the list!
Anyways, I have some doubts about this website, and I didn’t want to link to it, but I will do to let you know about it, maybe you would like to use it or maybe you will ate the idea, and this is why I explained how it works for those who don’t want to try it! Just be careful it’s Google AdSense loaded! Find it here on this link.
I just want to hear from you really, what you think about this website in general, and answer my question if you have a thought or a perfect way on how to find DoFollow blogs on specific blogging niche?
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