Recycle Your Old Blog Content

There are many ways to have a successful blog, one of these ways is to actually improve your blog by removing dust from your old blog posts, that’s what I call recycling old content.
You see, blogging is not only about writing fresh content, also it’s not about updating the blog on daily bases. What really matters is the quality of what you are putting there. So, I hope you can spare a few hours every week, dedicate these hours to recycle your old blog content, focus on quality rather than quantity.
Recycle Your Old Blog Content will get you there…
You are already there, you’ve got content that everybody loves, but it’s not valid for all times, at least a big chunk of it is not!
Why not check your most visited blog posts?
Start with your popular posts, or maybe those posts that make you money (for example: your product reviews). Go though its content, see what’s missing, and how you can make them better?!
You could:
- Do yourself a favor by improving your blog!
- Do your blog visitors a favor by making a better blog!
Basically, you don’t have to do a complete re-write for the whole post, you can instead do a few simple changes here and there. I know you blog better than when you first started, and I am sure you can add this experience to your old content and make it better.
Recycle and Reuse your old blog posts
There is a lot of ways to recycle and reuse your old blog posts. Here is a few:
- Five Ways to Recycle Your Old Blog Post Content to Attract a New Audience
- 10 Ways to Recycle Your Content For a Stress-Free Summer
- Be Green – Recycle Your Content
Why you should Recycle your old blog content?
Well… Why you should Reuse a Cup? Here is a simple why!
Infographic: Why Reuse a Cup? via Reusable Bags – Factory Direct Promos
Do you see the relationship between saving the internet and saving a tree?!
You see, search engines and social media exists, both loves great content, don’t let them forget about your old valuable piece of content that is covered by dust!
Cycle your old blog posts, remove the dust, re-share them with the world!
Do you recycle your old blog content?
A few months ago, I started to edit and update some of the old blog posts we have here on to make it better. You also should do the same!
Yes? You Are Awesome!
No? Start now!
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