Blog Tips To Promote Your Site

There are many blog tips online that can show you many different ways to promote your site and get more visibility.
However, if you really delve deep inside these posts, all you will find are self-promoting affiliate links that does nothing but make the owner of that particular site rich off of newbie’s that are trying to do something as simple as get noticed online.
Why Are Some Blog Tips Bogus?
It’s sad but true. You can’t believe every blogging tip that you read. Most blog owners out there are shady, to say the least, masking their affiliate links with shorteners and such, making the reader believe that they actually even use the product they are promoting, and that it really works like the author says it does.
Believe it or not, a lot of things online are only to get your money.
Now don’t feel bad, everyone has fallen for these “get-rich-quick” schemes. I have been known to drop a few dollars on a product that I believed would make me rich in three days, haven’t you? Of course you have! If you say no, then you probably aren’t being truthful with yourself, or you have no desire to make money on the internet. Even if you haven’t laid down any money on a scam like this, give it time, because sooner or later you are going to get desperate in your attempt to make money with your blog and make yourself believe in the blog tips on a particular site.
Why is this? Why can’t everything we read online be filled with facts and truths about things that we can benefit from? Alas, it was not meant to be.
So some blog tips cannot be trusted.
Blog Tips About Site Promotion
I have been blogging for almost 2 years now. The facts that I have found about creating a blog that everyone notices came with lumps, bumps, and yes, even tears!
I would like to share some of these blog tips with you right now.
Website promotion is your end game. This is the pinnacle of what every blogger, new and old, dreams about. Having a blog that is on everyone’s minds and on everyone’s social pages.
The very first thing that I would like to say about blog promotion doesn’t come with signing up for an affiliate link of mine, nor does it require that you spend any money. It simply starts with you. I realize that you’re dreaming big. You set yourself up to have thousands, if not millions, of blog visitors, but can your site really handle this traffic?
What would happen if you DID get these stats as early as tomorrow? Could you convert them? Could you wrangle them into becoming faithful readers? Sure getting a blog visit is easy once you get the hang of it, but what happens after they are there?
Blog Tip #1- Be Prepared
Having your blog ready for these kinds of visitors is what it’s all about. As I have always said, your reader is your most important part of your site. Always have great content prepared for these people. Forget about trying to make a quick dollar on a visitor.
Surprisingly, at first, you are going to want to build the integrity of your blog. When you do that, you will start to see a following of faithful readers on your site.
This is when you can present your product to these people. Statistics say that you have a better chance of selling to these kinds of readers versus the other way. Blog tips like this cannot really be taught. I can tell them to you, but you have to be the one to actually enforce this rule.
So, remember that creating great content that is both helpful and informative should be your number one concern.
After that you can go crazy.
Blog Tip #2-List Building
I was talking about what you are going to do when you actually get visits to your blog. Right off the bat you are going to want to have a list building strategy to ensure that you can actually capture people’s attention through email marketing.
This is a powerful way to promote your site over and over again. Build a following like this, and you will always have people that have the opportunity to buy from you.
Blog Tips For Social Interaction
Social media is probably the most important off-site promotion that you can do for your blog. Having a social media presence is a great way to introduce your blog to new people every day. Some people would argue that search engine optimization (SEO) is more important, and I agree that it is equally important, and it could be argued either way it just depends on your preference.
Here is why I think social media trumps the search engines.
At first glance, the search engine has that romantic allure to it. If I could only get my site to the first page of Google…that has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? I’m in no way discouraging you to shoot for that trophy, go for it, but the way social media trumps SEO is for the pure reason that it’s faster.
With social media, you get results the same day! When you shoot for a first page placement on Google, depending on the keyword, it could take upwards of 4 months before you really see any results, and then you have to fight to stay there. You can do both, however, and I recommend it, I am merely saying that with social media promotion, you are more apt to get in front of a potential visitor faster.
One of the ways that you can boost your social media presence fast is through Facebook. Facebook is one of the internet’s “Social Media Giants” and can be used as such. Getting likes will bring your site more visibility on Facebook. Some people that are just starting out even buy Facebook likes through reputable companies that can produce real and genuine hits from Facebook.
Blog Tips For Success
I can sit here and type until I am blue, and even blew, in the face, but consistency is the key to any great blog.
Getting to know your readers and finding them on blogging communites is one of the most important things that you can do to boost your visibility and make some extra money.
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