Why Popup Domination is Increasing it’s Price

I was not lucky enough to get a free review copy of Pop-up Domination WordPress plugin, although I was lucky enough to get it for free -I will explain this latter- as it’s a plugin that pay off by several ways! When I first saw and knew about it, I was 100% sure it will work! just like that.. period! This happen with all of us once we see something and the idea popup in our minds and we say: This is a bloody awesome idea! This is exactly what happened to me the first time I saw the Pop-up Domination plugin. Let me explain to you how it worked for me so far, and why you should buy it with no regret!
Why Popup Domination is Increasing it’s Price
Simple answer? it’s working like Magic! and it’s work on any website, check out my HTML Popup tutorial, and why not increasing it’s price after the great feedback from the community?
Be smart, take action before Price increase!
Only 50 customers will get it at that low price
for only $37 ($77)
Make sure you are one of them!
I recommend Popup Domination and I am really encouraging you to go for it!
How I got Pop-up Domination for Free!
Since I didn’t had he chance to get a review copy of Pop-up Domination plugin, and maybe if I asked Michael -the creator of the plugin- he won’t mind to send me a copy, but I just don’t need to ask! and I prefer to go for good stuff and buy it, it’s the best way to award someone who worked hard on his product, so.. I actually brought it! I paid for it believing that I am getting it for free! and this is exactly what happened!
Today, I had my money back, and guess what? I have earned some extra money by sharing only my first day of experience with Pop-up Domination!
Want to see some numbers? Sure! why not?! here it is
Now, it’s time for Aweber Stats!
I have just showed you that you can earn money by recommending Popup Domination to your readers, now.. I am going to show you my Aweber stats, maybe this will convince you to take action!
Note that I have got 166 subscribers to my email list by offering nothing! I mean no free stuff! no e-books, just nothing, but of course if I you have a product, then you are the man, I am sure you know what you will do! and this will increase your daily email list subscribers indeed! I also want to know that I am still taking my first steps in email marketing, so I am imagining how an expert with more options in hand can do!
I am sharing complete information because a lot of my friends asked me to share it with them, and I don’t really mind!
What Else I have got till now?
I have received a bonus marketing video, really awesome one! I am keeping playing it over and over while writing this post, yes I am hearing the video after I watch it once, this is how I watch videos lol I hear them while working 😉
Another awesome bonus that no body usually send along with a plugin, is the PSD files for it’s themes which is awesome! and I know that Michael promised with more development, more themes and bonus stuff that I am waiting to get them!
Are you Brave enough to get Pop-up Domination?
Well.. you actually should be strong, forget about the silly ideas, get something valuable for your blog, forget about free stuff! pay for what really worth, you don’t have to think and waste your time, and the money you could have earned by this moment!
Again.. make sure to read my first day of experience with Pop-up Domination
Here is the Steps to make money from Popup Domination plugin:
Get Popup Domination plugin, install it, review it and recommend it to your fried and blog readers if you like it (I am sure you will like it) then earn some money while watching how it pays off! and earn much more after building your email list!
In case you don’t like the plugin, simple get your money back!
I don’t want to tell you this has to be a fact action, there is competition in our niche, and others will do it, so you really need to this faster than others!
Be Brave, Buy it now before the Price increase!
Only 50 customers will get it at that low price
for only $37 ($77)
Make sure you are one of them!
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