Pinterest – The Best Money Bomb of This IM’s Era

As an Introduction “Pinterest” is the popular photo or image pinning social networking website with 11.7 million unique users. ComScore’s reports shows Pinterest got 5 Million unique visitors only from U.S. in November 2011 and 15+ million hits from global.
The term “IM” means ‘Internet Marketing‘ or online marketing, a full introduction about IM can be an old vine to this big blogging community.
So let’s look into the deep of Pinterest and the upcoming opportunities.
How Pinterest Makes Unique Visitors?
First of all Pinterest is not only the popular image pinning website. Pinterest’s providing social networking, bookmarking, sharing, commenting and more services through a single pin. Pinterest’s success involved with the following facts too:
- Strong Desire for knowing the story behind the Image of Video.
- Integration with the world’s popular social networks such as Facebook and twitter.
- Image and Videos Re-pinning, sharing and liking systems.
- User friendly design and following options.
Pinterest’s design is innovative and eye-catching, it makes users spend more time . Pinterest’s users are just like honeybees, people sharing useful contents like honey and others are storing and utilizing that for a successful living. No,w people are sharing their thoughts, guides and happiness through social networking sites, the site got so many dedicated users who share unnoticed and must discussing things.
Pinterest’s success began from the 2011 year, because people noticed more advantage and better ways of sharing on Pinterest than Facebook and Twitter.
Convert Pinterst Into a Money Machine
The initial thing is contribution and dedication! Pin some fresh things related with your money making niche (wait a minute.. no affiliate for now). The unique followers and likes depends upon the shared pins (don’t forget that people hate spam and irrelevant content). Pin useful information to easily get other to re-pin it, this great feature can give targeted followers too. After making some niche based pins, you can start doing some random pins. Some useful tips are:
- Use random pins based on popular categories like, food, fashion etc.
- Use the most suitable and eye-catching images when pinning.
- Drop a single link to your niche website and other money niche pin boards.
- Write for readers and ask them to re-pin.
- Ask readers to sharing opinions and comments on those pins.
I Hope you can make some successful contribution, so the next step is pinning some of your affiliate links. But, hey! I recommend you “never pin affiliate links directly” because the Pinterest’s TOS do not allow that. So, instead write a review post and explain the product in full details, this pin it. Reviewing useful products can make you a few sales, especially if people like it, thus they recommend it (re-pins it).
If anyone has any questions, just ask. Enjoy the money making hobby.
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