Check Out The First Real Pinterest Marketing Campaign

One important thing you should know about Pinterest –the online pinboard– is the buzz it can create, Pinterest has so much growing media and user attention right now, and yes it can drive huge traffic to your website, especially if your targeted audiences are Women.
So, how about using Pinterest for your next marketing campaign?
I knew about this fantastic marketing idea when the guys over Smoyz contacted be by email today, those were the creative advertising agency who managed the first Pinterest marketing campaign in the world for Kotex (a brand of feminine hygiene products).
A creative influencer outreach campaign using Pinterest
The idea was to identify and locate a group of women who are active Pinterest users, then sent them a box of gifts based of their interests. Kotex identified 50 women and researched what they pinned and how they actually expressed themselves about the stuff they like. The gifts Kotex sent were customized to those women’s taste and delivered to their doorstep, this clearly means they will love it.
And, this is exactly what happened, the women who received the gifts got surprised and excited, and almost 100% of them posted about it on the social platforms like Pinterest itself, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, which created a huge buzz.
Smoyz managed and monitored the Pinterest marketing campaign, watch the video to see how effective the campaign was:
Pinterest Marketing Campaign Results and Stats
- 50 gifts was sent
- 2,248 interactions responding to the gifts
- 694,853 total impressions
Personally, I think this Pinterest marketing campaign is really creative and was done pretty well.
After you watched the video, are you considering Pinterest for your next marketing campaign?
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