Why Creating a Personal Website is Becoming a Necessity

Do you want to be on the cutting edge of technology by creating your own personal website? Here are a few reasons why you should expand your horizons in this exciting endeavor.
Top Reasons to Create a Personal Website
The social network or networks you are currently using may not be around in a few short years, but your own personal website can be around for as long as you’d like it to be. Many employers are now looking to find personal websites for future employees. Well, here are a few things to think about:
- Easy to Find – By creating a personal website you will be easily accessible for potential employers looking for candidates. Future employers as well as family and friends will be able to see that you’re motivated enough to go out of your way to create a website and show off your talents. Just think, not only can you have your resume as well as business projects or ideas on the site, but a future employer will also know where to find you.
- Control – You have full control over everything that is on your page. No more trying to navigate through one of the current sites you may already be associated with. Your page will always be exactly what you want it to be. No more conforming to other sites rules.
- Staying Connected – When it comes to organizing and updating family pictures, stories or genealogy, there is no better way to do it than on your own site. It will be there for future generations to enjoy, even if your family happens to be spread out all over the world.
- Show Your Credibility – You may have very interesting and useful information about various topics, and this information could be useful for many. By going onto your site you’re helping to educate those in your field and prove that you are up on the latest news and trends in your industry.
By creating your own website you will have a wide variety of people, as well as future employers, viewing what you have to say and how you want to say it. You can definitely be your own boss when creating your own website!
Things to Include On Your Personal Website
First and foremost, you want to create a website that is user friendly for all. By having consistent ways of browsing your site, you can easily guide visitors through your site without questions. If you are on Twitter or Facebook, you may also want to include ways on your personal website to contact you on these media outlets.
You may also want to add a copyright notice to your personal website. Find a JavaScript that will do this for you. They are easy to find and will allow you copyright privileges.
Lastly, a way to contact you is always useful. People need to know how to get a hold of you if needed. You can have a phone number, or if your not comfortable with that, have an e-mail address where a potential employer can contact you.
Creating a memorable personal website is important. It is the first impression people visiting your site will have of you and all you have to offer them.
Have you created a personal website in the past? Did you find it to be helpful when finding a job? Are you an employer who likes to see personal websites from candidates? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
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