Pagerank: What’s It Good For…..Anything?

Hey guys,
This is my first post here on FamousBloggers so I am going to talk about what people have talked about for years and are continuing to talk about.. Pagerank!
Are there any benefits to Pagerank ? Well lets get down to three main points, I think are worth talking about.
1. SEO
Does Pagerank have any SEO benefit? In 2 words “Not Really”. Pagerank is an indicator not a factor in SEO. So Pagerank indicates that you have a site or page that is well optimized and the more Pagerank you get, the more those pages or site is optimized.
However higher PR sites do get spidered more frequently and then the SEO effects come faster, which is a benefit but not directly linked to search engine positioning.
2. Authority
Pagerank is related to authority. The more pagerank you have, the more authority you have. They both go hand in hand and it’s what you want. Everybody wants to be authoritative and a high pagerank will give you that satisfaction and status that you are authoritative. Being authoritative then yields in benefits in so many areas. Everybody is looking for authoritative leaders and sites, if yours is one then you’re in an awesome position. You’ll be perceived to be more important, listened to more and taken more seriously because if you have that high PR, people know you’re serious and know what you’re doing.
This is my favorite benefit. If you get a high PR, loads of doors will open for you.
3. Money
Pagerank CAN make you money. In fact if you don’t have Pagerank, you’ll find it hard if impossible to make money from paid advertisers on your site. Advertisers do look for sites with PR and the higher the better. Again they use PR to indicate whether your site it authoritative and established enough and PR is an easy indicator to use and compare against all other sites. So the higher PR you can get, the more desirable you will be to advertisers.
So there are the points I see as being benefits of Pagerank and they are important points but remember that PR is not as important as many people think. Just get traffic and trust and your site will do great.
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