3 Must-Use Online Tools to Boost Webinar Attendees

Webinars let you share relevant information about your industry to your target audience. More importantly, these can enhance your brand presence and authority, factors that can influence your audience to become buyers from your site.
To achieve this, however, you need to drive lots of attendees to your webinar.
Even if your webinars cover interesting topics and are organized efficiently, they won’t matter if nobody will attend them.
To get the most attendees possible to your webinars, you need to develop a strategy to promote your webinars using online tools with the right features.
Expect low to moderate attendees from the start. But by building your webinars using the featured tools below, you can grow your attendees and meet your online goals.
Purpose: automatically increase webinar signups from your website
This content marketing platform lets you automatically boost any conversion goal, like webinar signups, from the existing content and traffic on your website.
Once you embed TrenDemon in your site, and define Webinar Signups as a conversion goal, the system identifies and engages your visitors with relevant content and call to actions. This helps convert more of your website visitors into attendees, automatically increasing the number of signups.
Through the admin dashboard, you will be able to see which posts and articles were most effective at generating signups, and also which traffic sources achieved the highest conversion rate. This will help you know what content to create in the future and from where to get traffic.
You can also use TrenDemon’s built-in Connect feature to allow your visitors to signup easily using their social profiles. This can provide you valuable information about their demographic and psychographic attributes as well as their contact information
Purpose: promote webinar on social media
Another online channel that you should pursue is social media. To help you manage your efforts here, use this social media management tool. It connects to different social media accounts and lets you send your posts on all through its dashboard.
You can schedule the posts in advance so you won’t have to go online on that time and date just to send the message.
Once the posts have been published, you can measure the performance of each posts you’ve made by the number likes, tweets, +1s, retweets, shares, and other social proof available. From here, double your efforts on the social media sites that got you the best engagement.
Users can add apps like marketing automation (Act-on, Marketo) CRM (Salesforce), and lead generation tools on your dashboard to find the right audience to market your webinar to.
Purpose: launch webinar
This online collaboration tool does not boost actual attendees of your webinar. But using this feature-rich tool should help you host an effective webinar that will lay the ground for successful webinars in the future.
The rebranding feature lets you choose the colors, graphics, and logos that are aligned with your branding. Use the appropriate images for the waiting and meeting room so attendees will be able to see them before and once the webinar begins.
When discussing the presentation during your webinar, attendees will have questions about specific points that you touched upon. However, instead of interrupting you with their questions, you can smartly hold a moderated Q&A chat session with the attendees after you are finished. This allows you to manage the questions that will be shown on the main chat and answer them so you leave no stone unturned. Also use this opportunity to talk and engage with the attendees to make everyone feel that they are part of the discussion.
If you have non-native attendees, the Simultaneous Chat Translation will translate the text on the chat with their preferred language. This helps bridge the communication gap between you and your audience.
For those who weren’t able to attend the webinar, you can record and edit it before sharing the video on YouTube. This can show your potential attendees how you host your webinars, which can influence them to sign up the next time around.
All these tools should give you the features to host a webinar and grow attendees from there. However, that won’t happen unless you track your performance from using them.
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