Promotions have the ability to draw visitors to a Facebook Page, and when used correctly, can be a very valuable tool to accomplish your business’s engagement objectives. Read the full story: Facebook Engagement →
WordPress Bulk Plugin Installation
Bulk Plugin Installation is a new plugin that allows you to install one or more plugins simply by typing their names or download URLs in a new textarea added to the “Add New” plugin page. Read the full story: Bulk Plugin Installation →
What Social Media Can’t Do for You?
Many people come into Social Media with unrealistic expectations that quickly lead to disappointment when those expectations aren’t met and walk away completely. Read the full story: Social Media Can Not Do →
Facebook’s EdgeRank: What you need to Know?
Did Facebook purposefully change its EdgeRank algorithm to reduce reach and sell more ads? Read the full story: Facebook EdgeRank →
Is Responsive Web Design any Good for SEO?
The use of responsive web design is a rare win win for all parties, reducing costs, improving performance and making the best use of the client and agencies time. Read the full story: Responsive Web Design →
Facebook dominates 127 out of 137 countries
Facebook’s continued dominance is mainly thanks to growth in Asia where it has some 278 million users. Read the full story: Top Social Media Sites →