Images are just as much a part of your post presentation as your blog post itself. As such, how much of an importance should you put on the optimization of your blog’s images and their levels of originality? Read the full story: Using Images in Blogs
You Don’t Have To Be Number One
Here is a great post and advice by Justin Germino, you really don’t need to be the umber one in the business. Read the full story: Number One in Blogging
7 Reasons Why People Blog
Why do people start blogging? What motivates them to put their thoughts and ideas out there? Read the full story: Why People Blog
Build a Website – The First Steps
To build a website is a dream for most people as it is presumed to be a difficult task. Nowadays, by using WordPress, the entire process is very easy. Read the full story: Build a Website
Why He is So Insanely Wrong About Guest Blogging!
Do you know who is Jim Syyap? His the guy who wrote about 5 reasons why he never bothered with guest blogging. And here’s why he is insanely wrong… Read the full story: Guest Blogging
The 100 Blogs You Need In Your Life
If you are into serious blogging, then here is an awesome list of blogs for you, the information contained within the blogs listed in this post simply can get you to where you want to be. Read the full story: 100 Blogs You Need