A Million Votes for your Health

The Beginnings Of Noaspa
To cut a long story short a young friend developed a brain tumour – and wanting to understand what could cause such a terrible thing to happen …. I googled.
The information that I came across about the use of both aspartame and sodium fluoride in our everyday lives was, to say the very least, quite shocking.
Let me tell more about what I have found!
Maybe you’ve heard of aspartame , maybe you haven’t. It’s an artificial sweetener that’s found in over 6,000 products. Most people, and probably you, consume quite a bit of it most days. You’ll find it in diet drinks, chewing gum and yoghurts for example.
So what’s the problem? Well, aspartame may taste very sweet but a lot of people believe that it causes a whole range of diseases including brain cancer. If you don’t already know about the controversy, I really suggest that you watch the first two videos in the side bar by Alex Jones – and then follow some of the links in the current aspartame twitter stream to start informing yourself even more about this topic.
And then, please, vote on the issue at the noaspa site.
Sodium Fluoride
Maybe you’ve heard of sodium fluoride, maybe you haven’t. It’s used in most toothpaste brands and often added to water supplies – supposedly because it has a positive effect on dental health.
So what’s the problem? Well, many people cast doubts about the validity of this claim – and also point out that sodium fluoride is a poison. If you don’t already know about the controversy, I really suggest that you watch the third video in the side bar – and then follow some of the links in the current fluoride twitter stream to start informing yourself even more about this topic.
And then, please, vote on the issue at the noaspa site
The Truth
What is the truth? That’s the question. The ideal situation, of course, would be that people came forward with evidence that completely discredits the information presented both here and on sites such as dorway.com and farmwars.info. Unfortunately real hard evidence seems hard to find – and in its absence there seems to be good reason to inform as many people as possible about the controversy surrounding these issues. Don’t you think?
A Million Votes
Well, I really am hoping to get a few famous bloggers comments here – and am also very interested to see how this new campaign will be received by the internet community at large.
My own opinion is that
(a) there are serious doubts about the safety of both aspartame and sodium fluoride
(b) large numbers of people are already genuinely concerned about their health implications
(c) people everywhere have the right to – and should – know about these issues
(d) a large scale poll is achievable through the power of blogs and social networks &
(e) the results of such a poll can only be beneficial ( whatever the outcome )
What’s your opinion?
Are these important issues that need addressing?
Or am I over-reacting to unreliable information & the loss of a fine & funny friend?
Please telll me straight!
But if you do agree that a large scale poll is a good idea, just put your best brilliant blogging brain into action, suggest sensational strategies – and spread the word. A million is a small number when compared to the 7 billion (or so) on earth according to the United Nations.
And we all deserve to know exactly what we’re eating and drinking, don’t we?
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