Haven’t Gotten That Money Yet? Then Your Marketing Sucks!

Because there are literally hundreds of thousands of blogs online today, it is important to ensure that yours is not lost among them forever. In order to give your blog the exposure it deserves, it needs to be marketed appropriately.
Effective marketing of your blog will mean that the message you are trying to send out to the blogosphere is read and shared by more people. In the case of monetized blogs, this can lead to an increase in revenue for the blogger.
1. Make it Easy for Readers to Subscribe to Your Blog
Many bloggers make the mistake of simply expecting readers to subscribe to their blogs, despite the fact that advertisements or other features on the blog may camouflage the subscriber or RSS buttons.
By placing the RSS widget or subscriber option in a more prominent spot on the blog page, it will make it easier for readers to subscribe.
One of the most visible spots for these widgets is usually at the top of the blog, either in the center or to the right of the page.
2. Offer Your Services as a Guest Blogger
Once you’ve decided which niche to cater to, it’s usually a good idea to research other blogs that cater to the same niche.
By approaching some of the top blogs in your chosen niche and offering to provide them with a guest post (or more than one), you will not only be providing them with free content, but you will also be creating a backlink to your own blog.
This is usually one of the best ways to build organic backlinks and, in time, it will result in more traffic being directed to your blog.
3. Ensure that Your Blog is Optimized for Readers as Well as Search Engines
This means that when readers land on your blog, they should be able to find what they are looking for almost immediately.
If you’re writing high-quality content, but it is being blocked by ad banners and widgets, you’re wasting your time.
Don’t write your content purely for search engine rankings, because it will chase a lot of readers away.
Your readers are visiting your blog because of the content you post there, so you need to ensure that the content you provide is engaging enough to keep them coming back for more.
4. Post as Regularly as Possible
The frequency of posts on your blog usually depends on the type of content that is being posted.
If you are aiming to provide readers with advice on a particular topic, you should be updating your blog at least once a week.
For those who prefer to have a stream of current events or news on their blog, it is important to update it a few times a day.
This will ensure that readers are eager to return in order to get their daily dose of news or current events, and in the case of a niche blog, they will be able to look forward to either a weekly or daily post.
5. Make it Easy for Readers to Share Your Content
Most blogging platforms provide top wordpress plugins and buttons for this purpose.
Make the most of them and place them either above or below your posts so that readers are able to share your content on their social network pages. By doing this, you are also creating organic backlinks to your blog.
As mentioned earlier, ensure that these buttons are in a prominent place in each post, but don’t allow them to overshadow the content.
Now Your Marketing Doesn’t Suck!
By using these tips to market your blog, you can be assured of receiving quality readers on a regular basis.
This will result in a steady increase of traffic to your blog.
One of the most important things to remember as a blogger is to always keep the virtues of honesty and integrity in mind when posting.
Image © Uwe Annas – Fotolia.com
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