Launching the Best Selling Affiliate Products Blogging Contest

Hey, I am super excited to launch officially launch our blogging contest, for the first time we will be able to track progress of each participant live. Yes!
Participants will promote their entries and try to get interactions and social media shares to win one of our big cash prizes. Thanks to our kind sponsors, we are able to run awesome blogging contest and spread the love through our networks.
As I’ve told you before, this is a cash only contest, so instead of giving you products, services, web hosting, themes or WordPress plugins (that your probably don’t need, or already have) we will give you cash money!
Yes.. This is a bloody montón dineros!
The Best Selling Affiliate Products Blogging Contest
This contest is all about affiliate marketing, simply it’s how we make money by selling products made/developed by others and earn commissions. Participants will do reviews for their best selling affiliate products, they will explain to us how they find out about the product, why they like it, and how they are promoting it…etc.
We love the high spirit of our participants, our competitions are unique, it’s a truly different taste for competitions, and we have a lot of fun working this out together!
This contest brought to you by:
Man, I thought I will not do another contest any time soon, but what to do? I couldn’t fight it!
So, if you are into affiliate marketing, I am sure that you’ve already found this magical product that makes you money, this contest is about “YOUR” best selling affiliate products, so all what you have to do is to write a high quality review for this particular product, and enter the contest.
We will publish your review on, then you will push it to the max trying to get as much as interactions and social sharing for it, this is how we will decide the winners.
Our Soponsors:
Main sponsors $500 cash prize
Our main sponsor →
Basic Sponsors $150 cash prize:
- → How to market on Facebook
- Team Lane → Tri Cities Wa Homes
- AIDY → Movie Reviews
- Resume Writing Services
- Author+ Premium WordPress Plugin → Use coupon FAMOUS20 for 20% off!
Become a Sponsor
[box type=”spacer”]There are only limited spots left, our sponsorship levels is as the following: Basic sponsorship $150 (already taken – no spots available), Ideal sponsorship $300 (4 rotating links/keywords, 5 spots max), Main sponsorship $500 (Banner + 4 rotating links/keywords). If you would like to sponsor the Best Selling Affiliate Products contest, contact us Now! (sponsorship will close at October 15th 2011).[/box]
Meet the orginizers
We at have organized quite awesome blogging contest, we love to partner with the intelligent people in our network, this is how we do awesome stuff, meet our Best Selling Affiliate Products contest partners :
- Technology partner →
- Media partner →
Latest contest we’ve organized:
- Traffic Generation Blogging contest
- The Blogging Comments contest
- Popularity Blogging Contest (our first -:)
You can get information and track progress on our Blogging Contests page.
Thanks for visiting, have fun!
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