3 Reasons Why Offering Incentives Is A Smart Way To Build Your Opt In Email List

Converting website traffic should be one of the top priorities for a blogger. Not only does it increase the number of returning traffic to your blog, but it also helps you promote and sell your product or service.
While many bloggers know that they need to be converting incoming traffic to subscribers on their email list, many struggle with figuring out where to get started.
I can tell you from first hand experience that one of the best ways to build your list and convert traffic is by offering an incentive to your potential subscribers. Incentives can including a free ebook or detailed report, a video tutorial, or some other form of exclusive content.
There are three main reasons why offering incentives is such a great way to turn random visitors into subscribers on your email list.
Trains Subscribers To Receive
It’s a known fact that humans are creatures of habit. Do the same thing enough and it becomes routine and second nature. So wouldn’t it be in your best interest to train your new subscribers to open your emails? I think so.
Consistently offering your subscribers things of value, like a video course on building better email campaigns, will get them accustomed to receiving such value from you.
This conditioning will help you appear more favorable to your subscribers, establish/position yourself as an authority, and will help them understand exactly what they can expect from you. When your readers come to expect high-quality content from you, then you would’ve developed an impeccable reputation and a massive following to go with it.
Just make sure you remain consistent and continue to deliver to your audience.
Easy Way To Provide Value
The very first rule of thumb when dealing with customers is to give value first. Give them value, then give them so more, and then surprise them and give them even more. Make sure you do this before asking them to buy anything and they’ll love and appreciate you.
Your readers may be from different cultures and backgrounds, and even speak many different languages but everyone understands real value. Value is universal and automatically makes you stand out from the competition.
Law of Reciprocity
Reciprocity is a beautiful thing; definitely something that more people should leverage in a non-manipulative way. The law of reciprocity simply states that every gesture or action will generate a similar gesture or action in the future for the initiator.
Basically, you do good by your readers and they’ll do good by you.
The law of reciprocity is so powerful because people tend to have a natural feeling of indebtedness when people do favors or nice things for them. So if you were to give away a pair of tickets to a major conference or detailed eBook packed with cornerstone content, they’ll appreciate what you’ve done for them and will look for a way to return the favor somewhere down the line.
This return favor might come in the form of a purchase, like, share, free promo, or referral. All things that any blogger would love to have. It’s a very simple concept that’s often overlooked but extremely powerful for the user. The best part of the law of reciprocity? Both parties benefit! A win-win!
What About You?
Are you using incentives to build your email list? What are you offering? How has your experiences with using incentives been?
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