How to Convert Your Information to PDF Free and Easy?

Have you ever had a document and word and wanted it to PDF? Like your first E-Book about blogging for example? For many, new things such as converting documents can be a scary endeavor. Numerous times I have tried to convert files to PDF and things did not turn out correctly. For example, words came across differently or images did not come through.
Although, there are many options to convert information to PDF, I have found one that I really like and have had no issues with, it is called PrimoPDF. The page describes it as the “the # 1 free PDF creator” and so far I agree.
With PrimoPDF you can download the software for free or use my favorite option. PrimoPDF offers you the option to convert your document to PDF online. To do this you simple upload the document and enter your email. The PDF is then emailed to you when it is done converting.
I have done this with reports, ebooks, and other documents and so far have had no trouble and been nothing but pleased. Also, the initial fear I had about putting in my email has also not been an issue. I have not received emails that I have not wanted. I would recommend PrimoPDF if you have the need to convert your documents to PDF format.
If anyone has used a better service I would be interested in hearing about it.
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