Three Annoying Reasons Why Guest Bloggers Waste Your Time

It’s no surprise that the world of guest blogging is quickly expanding and becoming one of the most sought after ways to build links to blogs, but also a new way to make money as well. With Google Panda and Penguin updates wiping out all the garbage links and sites out there, it’s time for a new wave of link building to happen. As legitimate and beneficial as guest blogging might be, it can also be annoying and a time waster in the process.
This annoyance is usually contributed to people who simply don’t follow the rules, are just out there to make a quick buck.
It’s always a joy to see a new email in my inbox from someone requesting to write a guest post for a blog of mine. Not only will it save me time, but it will bring some new content and flavor to the blog. Running several blogs of my own, I know the joys and annoyances of offering guest blogging all too well. Let it be known, I greatly appreciate all of the quality writers that submit content to my sites, but there are an occasional few that just don’t make the cut.
With that said, enjoy this post on three annoyances that you may often come across when offering guest blogging through your web site or blog.
The Poorly Written Guest Blogger
One of the best ways to make sure that your content will never be accepted by a blog, is to have a poorly written article. This can be anything from poor grammar, to horrible formatting and various spelling errors. A few mistakes here and there is usually ok, as this can be corrected by the blog owner within a few seconds, but anything worse than that is just a waste of time and will almost always be denied.
Outsourced and Garbage Content
Sometimes people will guest post just to get some quick benefits for themselves, this is usually for a back link or just to get their name out there. In doing so, they also may not be providing any value and simply writing generic articles and content, just hoping some bloggers will publish it. There are plenty of web sites and services out there to order high end blog content, so if you can’t write for yourself, make sure you are ordering from someone who cane. Unfortunately, this not only doesn’t provide any value at all for the web site it is being submit to, but it’s also wasting the time of the blog owner.
Simply for the Link Blogger
As we continue to see more and more guest blog posts submissions come through, it’s obvious the link building business through guest blog posting is booming. Most guest post writers are getting anywhere from $40 to $200 for every guest post they writer. The higher the quality of blog, the more they get paid.
In any business where money is being made, there are sure to be those looking to make a quick buck and lack in quality. It’s always wonderful to see guest posts about “blogging tips” come through, only to see them loaded up with “debt consolidation” links in the article. Most bloggers will deny these submissions right away.
Bonus Annoyance: They Just Don’t Listen!
There are usually only a handful of guest writer submissions per week or month that really don’t follow the rules at all. When I created my guest posting guidelines on, I made sure that they were extremely simple to read and easy to follow. Since the blog is on “blogging”, most people would understand that the blog is focused on “blogging”… but I still get the occasional submissions which are completely irrelevant.
How to Be a Better Guest Blogger
The blogging world is one that you don’t want to have a bad reputation in. Top bloggers are always talking with other bloggers and word spreads quickly when content is poor and who is delivering bad guest posts. Take the time to make sure you are not only making a good name for yourself, but also providing meaningful and quality content that other people actually want to read. Doing so will not only help your business and blog in the long run, but it will also establish yourself as a top blogger and writer!
Image © indykb –
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