Facebook Cafés from Lebanon to Bulgaria using Huge Online Brands to Promote Offline Business

I have wrote a post back to 2008 about a Famous Facebook Café in Lebanon, it was the first offline Facebook Café ever, basically it’s an internet cafe, it’s an example for using Huge Brands like Facebook to promote offline business, and it’s another effect of social media and social networking in our life!
I got a comment on the First Face book on Lebanon post on MyLifeThinking blog yesterday from Boyan, here is a quote of his comment:
“We have the same in Plovdiv, Bulgaria since Dec. ‘09 – FacebookCafe. Apart from using the name of Facebook, this cafe will detect who is attending it at any given moment and will publish that on it’s website, as well as Facebook. This is one of many ideas that we will see soon”.

Credits: There are a few more Facebook Cafe photos at Boyan’s blog.
I like the idea of publishing about people who attend to the Cafe, of course I assume they respect their clients privacy if they don’t want to be mentioned on Facebook not to spread the word about where they are at the moment! but it could be very useful for friends and groups that hang out together so this gives them the ability to check who is on the cafe before heading to there to get the company!
I was wondering if there is a similar ideas on your country! Share with us what you think about this way of promotion using brands by giving your opinion or a story!
Do you agree or disagree?
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