The Steps to Creating a Coupon Blog that Makes Real Money

Everyone is always talking about how important it is to start a blog, grow a brand, write quality content, guest post on other blogs and so on… All of that is great and it is all necessary, but how many people are going to continually start new blogs without a business model? It happens every day and it’s going to keep on happening for many years to come.
In this post I am going to tell you why you should start your own coupon based blog, how other people can build the site for you, make money with it and then even sell it for a nice pay day after a few months time.
First Things First, Start the Blog!
It’s a coupon blog… it’s not brain surgery. There are already millions of coupon blogs out there, you just need to figure out how to do it better and get your content in front of the right audience.
You can come up with your own site design or use a pre-built coupon theme like what has to offer. You can even outsource the process and hire someone to add daily content for you, or you can also use datafeeds from merchants on ad networks. In the end it’s still about updating often with new coupons and content that people find useful.
If YOU Build It, They Will Come… Not Really
Take all the time in the world with your content and make sure it’s really great. Then you can sit back, relax and retire. Well, that is the farthest thing from the truth. You need to get exposure for your blog and if you don’t want to wait years for your back links and search engine rankings to work for you, the next best thing is to spend some money on advertising and take advantage of the major social networks.
Do you have any idea how many active groups and fan pages there are on Facebook right now for coupons and how to save money on purchases?… Neither do I, but there are a ton! Throw Twitter into the mix and you already have hundreds of millions of people who are interested in your coupon niche and topic.
Remember, at the end of the day you will want to provide your audience with real coupons and information that saves the month!
If THEY Build It, They Will Come… It’s True!
Actually, this one is true! We are living in a social and interactive world. People want to share information and when they are contributing to something they also feel a lot better. Why do you think Facebook groups and fan pages are so successful?
It’s a community of people helping each other out and sharing information with others who have the same interest. Implement this same concept to your blog and you will see similar success, while also lightening your work load.
They Save Money… You Get Rich!
The formula really couldn’t work out any better. You build a blog that is focused on helping other people save money, while you continue to make money every time someone uses a coupon! The concept is genius and I started using this method back in the late 90s and it’s still killing today. Groupon, LivingSocial,… they are all making a ton of money by helping others save money.
You aren’t a mega huge marketing company or have access or the rights to issue coupons, but this doesn’t mean you still can’t make money. Through the use of affiliate marketing you can partner with some of these top coupon brands and earn a commission every time someone uses a coupon code to place an order or signs up for access to their coupons.
Again, focus on providing quality content to your visitors and the relevant ads on the site will work for themselves and continue to make money.
Assuming all goes well and that you are able to create your coupon blog and take advantage of affiliate marketing and the social networks, you should be able to find some decent success. I mentioned earlier in the post that you may also have the opportunity to sell your blog for a big profit. Blogs in the coupon niche and especially profitable ones usually sell well on sites like Be sure to check out the current and past sites that have sold on their market place.
I’ve personally been able to make a lot of money in the coupon and blogging niche over the past several years. In this post I go into detail on how you can bring together a lot of formulas and winning factors to create a killer and profitable site that people will really find value in. To discover more helpful tips and strategies I’ve used, be sure to check out my new book “Blogging Tips: Confessions of a Six Figure Blogger” which is available on
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