Celebrity Blogging Strategies: Lady GaGa Master of Attention

Whether you’re a fan of hers or not, you have to admit – she does know how to get ATTENTION. And the truth is that I don’t even listen to her. But as a 16 year marketer I do respect her approach. Now, notice I didn’t say the “record company’s” approach I said her approach. Lady GaGa has been doing some pretty ROUGE (not VOGUE) stuff in the entertainment industry.
But this isn’t TMZ, this is FamousBloggers. So lets be clear, this isn’t me blogging about famous people to get your quick attention. This is about breaking down the online strategies of celebrities and how you can apply their techniques for your blog. So, I guest this is the part where I am supposed to list the top 7 whatever blah blah blah. But this time to HELL WITH THAT, I AM GOING ROGUE!
First, lets get something straight. You can be the smartest person in the world, but that doesn’t mean JACK if no one knows your blog exists. I am not saying that you should do exactly what Lady GaGa does. Afterall, we have enough pain in the ass people telling us to become “internet marketers or social media strategists”. Yeah, like we need more of those in the internet marketing world. The opposite to that would be a unique customized title. You know the type that is memorable and grabs attention.
What is my title you might ask?
I am glad you asked. I am a “Marketing Strategist Socially helping Others with the Internet” (insert laugh here). Yeah, that’s the ticket. And if you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you. Along with a Football Super Bowl ring from the championship Chicago Cubs (they are a baseball team, in case you didn’t know).
It is GAME UP TIME, BLOGGERS. If Lady Goo Goo can make a splash, then I KNOW you can. The key in doing that is to customize her rebellious spirit to fit your own style. And NO, I am not listing it as the “Top 7 Ways to Slap my Ass and Call Me Charlie” way. Cause I am going rogue, man (laughing).
So, here are some ideas
- Get off Your Assets and Do Something About it – YOU’RE BORING if you are not getting the visitors you want. Guess what? That means that your audience is going elsewhere. You need to find a way to get their ATTENTION. You do that first by talking to them and letting them know you’re one of them. Lady GaGa “gets” her audience and is VERY engaging. And that is the reason they follow her. I am not kidding, you could get your ass kicked bad mouthing her in some circles.
- Raise Hell and Send him to College – Have a purpose behind your approach and your content. Lady GaGa might be unusual to many, but she has a brilliant way of standing up for causes she believes in.
- Speak in the Voice that Your Audience Needs to Hear – Say what needs to be said and read, not what they always want to hear and or read…for instance, many of us know that “7 Cool Ways to Lick my Foot” is a popular type of headline (minus the lick my foot). That’s because of the odd numbers and the simplicity of lists. But sometimes you need to break the norms and tell them the raw truth. You can still do that in a catchy headline like “Cool Ways to Freak Your Readers Out with a Foot Fetish”. Lady GaGa has said some things about her social beliefs despite the record company’s fear of her doing that. You should do the same. Say it to be real, not popular.
- Create Products that Get Attention, not Just “fit into the crowd” stuff – I am even following my own advice on this one. I am adding an “interesting array ” of products to my sites as I write this. What you should do is start creating counter culture products, things that get ATTENTION but make sense to your leads. Lady Ga Ga is brilliant at the merchandising angle. NO ONE could confuse her line of products from anyone else, that’s for sure.
Comment Challenge: lets see how creative you can post a comment instead of the old simple blah blah blah comments.
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