Just for the fun of it, and because I love visuals and infographics (I hope you too do love them), Vizify.com has an awesome social media connections infographic maker that you can use to create infographic on the fly by mapping your connections on Twitter. Vizify graphical bios turn your social media into a personal website all about […]
Blog Post Promotion: What You Should Do After Publishing a New Blog Post
I came across this awesome infographic that shows you 12 blog post promotion techniques to do after publishing a new blog post. Put in mind that we are talking here about your quality blog posts, as it doesn’t make sense to do full steps for every single post you write on your blog (mainly asking other […]
NSA Going Illegal – What to Expect from Hackers then?
Time and again the American Government has tried to defend the National Security Agency sometimes claiming that its surveillance projects help to prevent attacks like the 9/11 and sometimes citing the Section 215 Patriot Act. But why does NSA need to be defended so badly? In collaboration with companies like Verizon, NSA has been using […]
Why did Matt Cutts Switch from Thesis to Genesis?
Well.. Yes, he did! Earlier today, Brian Gardner tweeted “BOOM. @mattcutts is now running #genesiswp“, that’s really interesting, especially that Matt used Thesis for almost ever (since I knew his blog exists). Check it out: BOOM. @mattcutts is now running #genesiswp — http://t.co/Mf6JYsZRBb — Brian Gardner (@bgardner) June 20, 2013 A few hours latter, I […]
Thesis 2.0 Awesome and Unique Site Designs That You Should Check Out
I’ve seen amazing designs operated by the awesomeness of Thesis 2.0, and I thought it would be a good idea to put together a quick showcase and share these elegant sites with our FamousBlogger’s readers. I must say that working with Thesis became really entertaining recently, especially after releasing the Thesis 2.1 beta. And, just for […]
Covert Store Builder Theme Review – Build Online Store in Few Minutes
I have to start with a very simple statement that will sound cheesy, but this theme just blew my mind. That’s why I decided to review the Covert Store Builder! Those who are Amazon affiliates know how hard at times it can be to display multiple products, creating one ad at a time directly on Amazon […]