Blogging Collaborations: Power In Numbers

Have you ever wondered why FamousBloggers exists or why FamousBloggers and CommentLuv worked together to bring bloggers the largest CASH blogging contest ever? There is a very simple reason:
Many bloggers working together have more reach, influence and stronger numbers than any individual!
Have you noticed that you see some bloggers everywhere you go? There is a very good reason for that. Success. You can not achieve success by focusing only on your own blog unless you’re already famous. Those of us who are not famous have to have a plan and that plan needs to include being active on popular sites.
Support each other
Unlike traditional business where you have to buy your way to the top or know the right people, there are bloggers who work together for the greater good willing to support each other. They also share what they learned the hard way over months and years with new bloggers so they can make huge strides almost instantly.
Stephanie is a great example of how well this works. When the #FBCLcontest started she was blogging on GoDaddy. (Did you even know they had blogs? I didn’t!) Within three weeks she moved her blog to self-hosted WordPress and is in the process of upgrading to the Thesis Theme.
Even more important, she found CommentLuv and bloggers who could answer all her questions instantly – saving her untold hours figuring it all out herself. She even wrote a post about it: referring to the contest as Free Tuition to Blogging College.
Meet the Bloggers
Although it is too late to enter the contest, it is not too late to meet the bloggers who were wise enough to enter. They are the kind of people any serious blogger should meet because they saw a growth opportunity and seized it!
There are specific places to find and collaborate with bloggers like them. I hope you will all take a minute to read my post BloggerLuv, CommentLuv and Secret Blog Club on the three I find most essential for connecting with bloggers who are generous with their time and working to make the world a better place.
Besides FamousBloggers, those three are most important to me. I wrote about the benefits each provides in that post at BloggerLuv and hope you will consider joining us there too. Whether you are completely new to blogging or you have been blogging since the beginning of blogs you WILL benefit from and learn from joining us.
Get involved!
If you want to increase the traffic to your blog, lower your Alexa rank and achieve a level of success that will attract advertisers willing to support your efforts, you have found the right place. What if you don’t even know what Alexa is or why any of this matters? Read How to Measure Your Blog’s Influence.
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