BloggerLuv – Giving Back to Bloggers

I recently became a member of BloggerLuv (and no, that is no affiliate link because the site is free.) The site allows bloggers to communicate to each other in a social network setting that is not Facebook or Twitter.
While there are other great communities, I truly feel this is promising for bloggers who really want to engage in conversation with others who are just as eager to communicate. I am passionate about making a good connection with my readers and social network followers, as well as readers of sites I love to visit. I also know a lot of people I talk to online are just about as passionate as I am about connecting with others.
Why? – why not is the better question. Even I get guilty of not always following up and returning a comment. It is a sad thing when you become a bit busy and popular. However, I enjoy what time I can and hope others feel my sincerity. Social media is awesome as you can talk with other people and all of a sudden, you have a web design job (happens with me) or some other great opportunity.
Most of us have gone through school and years later only keep semi-strong tabs with a handful of individuals. Because of the Internet, this connection can be re-fortified through online communities. BloggerLuv is like that and that is why I had to mention the social hub for bloggers. It is a community that allows that type of give and take that anyone usually enjoys.
BloggerLuv will be going through some changes in the near future – some cosmetic (design) changes to enhance the user experience and of course. The site operates with BuddyPress, which I have been exciting about since the project started (I even met James Jacob Jacoby at WordCamp Chicago 2010 – awesome guy who was a core developer of BuddyPress.)
Despite the fact that I am mentioning BloggerLuv and it would be great to see you there, I actually am curious about all the great communities out there that you all are a part of. If so, can you mention them? What do they do that makes them different from other communities for bloggers? Why do you like it?
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