Blog Post Promotion

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- Blog Post Promotion
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You’ve written the best blog post ever. You’ve added great content value for readers. You thought it would go viral. You were shocked! Nobody read it. This happened because no one knows your great post exists. No matter what you do, you can’t get enough attention by traditional means. You need a blog post promotion.
You see, you may have the best collection of books ever sitting on your small bookshelf at home, but if nobody reads them, then what’s the benefit of having them?
Kristi Hines has the solution for you → blog post promotion!
Blog Post Promotion 2nd Edition
I’ve shared and promoted the first edition of the blog post promotion here on the blog believing it’s the most extensive promotion resource for bloggers and internet marketers who want to boost their article marketing benefits.
But, as you may know, social media is changing all the time, and yesterday’s techniques may not work today!
That’s why Kristi released the 2nd edition of the Blog Post Promotion guide, which basically covers the changes and gives you more help with your blog post promotion!
What’s new!
The 2nd edition of the Blog Post Promotion guide includes changes to the world of promotion including Google+, Facebook Timeline Profiles, the new version of CommentLuv, and advanced Google Analytics strategies for measuring results, in addition to the strategies for the top social networks (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and StumbleUpon), email, instant messaging, and more!
Read more about the → blog post promotion!
If you had a copy of the first edition of the guide, then I am sure your ways of blogging have been changed for the better! This is why I am giving this guide rating 5!
Please share your thoughts about it and how this guide helped you to reach your blogging and marketing goals faster!
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