In our day to day lives, small business owners come across a wealth of people. If we work from home, we end up building relationships with everyone around us, from the postman/woman who drops off parcels of business cards, right through to the various tradespeople who pop in during the day to check meters or try […]
How To Make Your Blog Ready For 2012
The blog you set up some time ago may well be looking a bit dated, so you need to consider how to make your blog look good by today’s standards. What do you need to do to make sure your blog looks up-to-date, fresh and modern? The appearance of your blog is arguably the thing […]
Txt Spk…It’s Gr8!
Over the past couple of years or so, our language has changed. In the past, it was considered bad manners to write using abbreviations, and people who shortened language to get a point across were considered lazy or slapdash. And then, something changed… When the textual revolution
How To Write An About Page that Tells your Visitors why they Should Listen
This is the fourth video in my new Blogging Guide, on this video I am talking about the importance of “About us” page and how to write your about page in the best form to present your site, blog, internet business or even yourself to your visitors when they want to know more about you, it’s […]
Google Analytics Video Tutorial - Blogging Guide
It’s really important for any blogger to track their blogs to strengthen marketing initiatives and create higher converting blogs, to know from where blog visitors comes from, and what search keywords they have used to find your blog. in this video I am going to talk about how and why you should use Google Analytics to do […]
How to improve Security of your WordPress blog and give Hackers hard times
This is the second video of Blogging Guide video series, I am going to talk about a very simple trick to improve the security of your blog, and make it more harder on hackers to hack your blog administration area, you should do this right after installing your new site because you really don’t want […]