5 Startups that I Consider to be Worth Your Attention in 2012

Do you care about startups? I do. First of all, since I’m extremely curious, I always want to know the latest news of the IT world. Being a project manager, I am mostly interested in those startups which can be useful for me and my job. Sometimes a small idea of a yet unknown team is worth much more than all the tools I’ve been using for a long time.
Today I would like to share my latest discoveries with you.
Here are 5 Startups that I consider to be worth yoru attention in 2012
1) Codeanywhere
Codeanywhere is a real godsend for those who are in love with web development and never want to lose an opportunity to code. Wherever you are, this multi-platform code editor with a FTP client lets you quickly and easily connect to your data on web servers and edit or create new files instantly.
Having faced the lack of cloud based coding tools, the developers from Croatia decided to make the platform that enables you to work on the move anytime, anywhere and on any platform.
The system is compatible with any browsers and mobile devices as a native app for iOS and Android. Moreover, the company promises that you will always be concentrated on work, not on the fact that you code via browser due to use of the latest technologies.
Codeanywhere has already been launched , so you can start using it right now – Codeanywhere
2) Teamlab
In my opinion, Teamlab is one of the most promising project management and collaboration software for small and mid-sized business. In just a year this startup turned into a huge system trusted by more than 100 000 companies all over the world.
The platform provides 4 fully-featured modules for project management, document management, online collaboration and CRM. In fact, Teamlab is a real social network for business where you can control project progress and communicate efficiently. With in-built online document editor, the system appears to be a real cloud-based web office with all the essential tools, so there is no need to resort to any other applications.
Brave Latvian team announces a desire to conquer the whole world and prove that Silicon Valley citizenship is not a must for being successful. Well, development in a high-competitive IT industry is a decisive step, but here it sounds reasonable. For the quality and number of integrated tools TeamLab is truly ahead of its analogues.
The service takes your office to the cloud in a few clicks which makes sense especially when it comes to remote teams and freelancers – TeamLab
3) Fast Dove
Fast Dove is another cloud computing system, aimed to make your life easier. This service lets you manage SMS communications freely and quickly.
The developers tell a beautiful story about the appearance of the project’s idea. Once in the forest they saw a flock of happy doves flying over their heads. This incredible view inspired them on the project FastDove.
Today FastDove is an application which helps companies and individuals communicate by sending sms via Internet. What makes it different from all other online sms-sending services is that the messages are delivered just as though they were sent via your own mobile phone. Moreover, recipients of your messages will be able to directly reply to your number.
The project is growing extremely fast. Launched in 2009, by developers from Barselona, currently they support 116 (!) countries and are not going to stop – FastDove
4) Relead
These years Latvia seems to be rich in ambitious IT projects.
Relead.me is SaaS software , which promises to increase the conversion rate of clicks to sales by up to 10 times. It is a real-time web analytics tool for sales professionals and the project positioning ensures that the tool is really powerful.
With Relead you get detailed information about visitors: their company name, industry, company size, financial and credit information, positions and contacts like phones and email. Geo-information, so you can see your visitor on the map. Full visitor path, so you can see what products or services your visitor is looking at on your website.
Sales leads are generated from website visitors, who never signup or fill in any form.
In their own words : “With Relead, it is possible to identify each client that has demonstrated interest about each respective product. This will, in turn, generate increased sales opportunities”
As soon as the project is launched, it will definitely gain certain success. Waiting impatiently – Relead.me
5) Mediatoolkit
And the last but not the least startup, which I would like to review in this article is a very promising Croatian project – Mediatoolkit.
The developers state that they have vast experience in working with media companies, that’s why they know exactly what media professionals really need.
Let’s see, what they mean. Being a blogger, an editor, a journalist or just a freelancer, sharing your thoughts in the World Wide Web, you certainly need to know what kind of effect content produces on the Internet, right?
Everybody would like to predict the future and, being more exact – to be sure what kind of content will be shared with friends in social networks, such as Twitter, Facebook or Digg. Mediatoolkit will help you to be a real foreteller in the sphere of Internet publications!
The developers explain: “This service helps to find the most popular and shared content in real time and on any website he is interested in as well as get a prediction of what will be popular in the future”
Still being sceptical? Get a 14-days trial here – MediaToolKit
I hope you find these applications useful for your business.
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