5 Simple Advertising Tips For Your WebSite

As bloggers, we all want traffic for our blogs, but have you ever ask yourself what have you done to get traffic? have you ever thought about advertising your blog? In this post I am going to share a few simple but effective advertising tips with you but before I explain them just let me take a few minutes to salute Hesham the owner of Famous Bloggers club who has done a fantastic job with this blog in such a short time, just before writing this post I have checked the Alexa ranking and this stands at 63,000 and a valuation of around $17,000 don’t get me wrong I did not say its for sale. You might wonder what this has to do with the headlines this is proof that advertising works.
Advertising is everything, no matter if you have a product offering a service or just blogging as a hobby, a blog without traffic is like a blog without content, you have to advertise somehow to get the traffic to your blog. There are services that can drive tons of traffic to your blog but this would not do you any good because these are not targeted traffic these what is known as traffic exchanges where you surf for traffic. What do you need for your blog is targeted traffic, here are some tips that will help in your advertising campaign.
(1) Content
This is what your blog should be about, this what makes your readers subscribe to your feed RSS to receive more of your content, your page should not just contain links and nothing else unless your are running a directory services or something else rather than a blog.You can write articles and submit to directories this will help in your marketing campaign.
(2) Experience
Talk about your experience in you posts and use examples of what you are doing, specially what you like to do, if you are a web designer for example then it’s a good idea to talk about your projects, and use images to illustrate what you have done, mention the difficulties you faced and the solution that you come up with, don’t be shy to tell your reader even about your mistakes, this will help you a lot to build a trust with your readers. register yourself at some Social Networks and Bookmarking websites, get to know other members of these communities and build relation with them, start submitting your posts, ask your friend about their opinions and get some traffic form these links back to your website.
(3) Forums
Forums are great source of traffic, you can easily add one to your website without spending a dime, there are lots of free services out there that you can use, or you can join one interact with other users, you can leave your signature on most of these, this will help with return visitors.
(4) Blogs
If you just have a website for your biz or company, then you should start a blog, these are very popular today, find a niche you are knowledgeable about, writing articles are not that hard just fire up your favorite editor whether it’s notepad windows live writer or your blog built in editor, if you are unsure of what you have written then ask someone to proof, and read it before publishing.
(5) Paid Advertising
I left this one for lost as we know Google AdWords is one of the most popular adverting systems around, this can be costly because you have to pay for every click to your ads, but this pays off because this only generate targeted traffic to your blog. there are many other advertising avenue for your website or blog, however what ever method you choose make sure you measure your success daily and set your goals, and if one doesn’t work try another one, and try been even creative until you find the best solution for your website or blog.
5 easy and simple ways to advertise and drive traffic to your website without much cost. I must say nothing happens overnight in all the advertising and marketing campaign we need patience.
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