4 Posts 200 Comments and Lesson Learned

Many people have been talking about blog comments but no one was sharing actually results and numbers. So I wanted to share my results and my tips to getting more comments on your blog.
When I started blogging a year ago, I would write posts and sit back and wait for the comments to role in, since it seemed like that’s what other bloggers did to get their comments..Right?
Well I waited around a lot…lol
Each post I wrote I said this is the one, this post is awesome I HAVE to get some comments, at least one? Do you know what happened? Yep…NO comments!
I was so pissed, I would some time and work into that post I felt I deserved a few comments. After I got over being mad at the internet world, I got an ice coffee mmmm coffeeeee lol , I relaxed and I started asking questions to see if I was the issue, even though I knew better since I know “I’m Awesome” haha
I Was Questioned Everything
- I was questioning everything I was doing or not doing…
- Do they not like my content?
- Did I make a mistake starting a blog?
- Did I send it out to the wrong places?
- Am I in the right niche?
I went on for a couple hours and it hit me…
I wasn’t doing anything wrong, I was actually doing almost everything right…Almost!
3 Steps To More Comments
Good Content -> More traffic ->Building a relationship with that traffic
I was writing pretty good content, I was building relationships with the readers I had, my only real lack was that I needed more eyes on my posts. Most bloggers that start out do not get big comments, so once you realize that, you can relax and continue to blog stress free.
The more attention I gave to all 3 steps, the more results I started seeing over time.
Getting Comments Is Like Losing Weight
I look at getting comments as if I was trying to lose weight.
Dieting is good, aerobics is good, working out with weights is good BUT to get real results and hit your goal weight you need to do all three combined over time.
Getting comments is the same way.
Writing good content is good, more traffic is good, building relationships is good BUT to get the results you want “more comments” then you need to hit it hard on all three steps over time.
First – Good Content
Second – More Traffic
Third – Build Relationships
So How Much Weight Have I Lost?
Ok you want to know about the comments not weight…lol
Here are 4 posts I wrote back to back…
Comments 27 – Top 50 Places To Advertise Your Website For Under $25
Comments 36 – Breaking Into The Top 20 Internet Marketers Online With No List
Comments 48 – There Is A New Blogging Star Born Everyday, Are You Next?
Comments 100 – My Crazy Simple 7 Step Plan To Promote A New Post
How Do I Bring It Together
Now you can see the benefits of following all 3 Steps in combination, so let’s get into the 3 steps…
1- Writing Good Content
I write when I have something to share and I try not to write about things I see to many bloggers writing about too. I like to write about what I’m going thru and learning at that time and chances are if I’m going thru it so are other bloggers.
Another thing I do is to write about what my blog is about blogging, make money blogging, and making money online.
If readers come to your blog expecting blog tips, then make sure you have plenty of “blog tips” information available. As simple as this is, many many bloggers will start with an idea then post about everything BUT what their blog was initially about.
Also watch your spelling and grammar, this has been an issue for me haha.. (I think faster then I can type) but I am getting better. People will notice so take the time to check spelling and grammar.
2- Getting More Traffic
I have tried so many traffic getting techniques in the past 8 months, some worked and some were a waste of time and money. I now have a few that I use daily to drive more traffic and so far they are working well.
For me I drive a good amount of traffic from Twitter and Facebook, I have found that they both work best to drive targeted traffic. As far as getting the most from Twitter and Facebook, you need to “be there” that means offering tips, info, help, resources etc..
Make yourself available to answer questions.
As I shared in a post My Crazy Simple 7 Step Plan To Promote A New Post I do a lot to promote a new post, writing great content that no one sees is a waste of time.
I use Onlywire to bookmark my posts pretty quickly. I’m a big believer in the benefits of bookmarking all your posts. I also recently started submitting my posts to LinkedIn groups.
I also chase Google for some search luv like a love struck school kid..lol
A simple plan I follow to SEO my blog posts and better my chance at getting ranked on Google is to grab a keyword and use it in your Title, First sentence, Middle and End of your post, then use it in your tags.
Your goal is to rank for as many smaller keywords as you can since ranking for a number of smaller keywords will get you more traffic then ranking for one huge keyword.
3- Building Relationships
You started a blog to offer help or information to readers, right? So then building relationships with your readers should be the easy stuff.
I am real, the person you see or read online is the person you will see in person. Being yourself and letting your personality show is the best way to start building relationships with your readers, make your blog personal.
I make myself available thru out the day and I answer every @ reply and DM on Twitter and every email or update on Facebook.
On my blog, I ask for comments or opinions or feedback. If you don’t ask, then you can’t be upset if you get no comments. Now once the comments come in, I reply to all of them, yes even the ignorant ones…lol Not everyone will see things the same way as you, and that’s fine.
When replying to comments I like to use that as a way to add more information continuing from the post, this is a great place to take your post to a higher level.
Bottom line here is be real, be helpful and be available and the relationships will build themselves.
Take Action
Yes all this sounds great, but if you don’t put it to work today and stick to it for at least 2-3 months then nothing will change on your blog.
But if follow all 3 steps combined you will see results. Once the comments start rolling in, it will start to snow ball into more and more comments.
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