15 days what Famous Bloggers need to Break the 50.000 Alexa Rank

I was waiting for this since last week, Famous bloggers blog has jumped to the 50.000 on Alexa, and we are going up! If you are asking your self how we did it?! The answer is very simple, I will summarize how our blog jumped in only 15 days from 70.000 to the best of 50.000 blogs for you in three simple tips that everyone can do.
The first tip is not new, you probably read about it everyday on the Blogosphere, it’s just about writing and publishing unique content everyday for our readers!
The second tip I already told you about, yes.. we try publish everyday, 7 times a week, and sometimes more! We are trying to make our blog and network bell rings everyday for you to find interesting and fresh daily making money tips.
Third tip is about promotion, we get high promotion on several common social networks and bookmarks websites, and high conversation on our comment section, of course our cool making money contest is playing a good role as a source of our traffic, we are going to continue this till search engines take care of our blog and consider it as it’s own baby!
And believe it or not, I am writing this post and make it ready before this happen with one day, this is the day 15, Famous Bloggers blog on Alexa is 50.519 🙂 but I am sure we will brake and smash the 50.000 by tomorrow if not today while we are sleeping!
What about you? Any progress in the last 15 days? Any more Alexa tips?
By the way, if you review FamousBloggers on Alexa we will return the favor, just leave a comment with your blog link!
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