List your Blogging related Jobs

Many bloggers I’ve seen and met in our community are having some hard times to find the right person to do the job. No one is expert on everything, also not all of us have enough time and resources to do every task, this is why I thought we need something like a Job board that gives you the option to list blogging related jobs in case you need it for outsourcing.
So many times I was struggling when hiring a designer or a developer to help me with a few projects I am working on, maybe because I couldn’t find the right person, or maybe because I know that design is expensive and I didn’t want to pay a lot of money!

But what if I can decide the price for the Job? And what if there where a place like a job board that allows me to post a job? E.G. my design job, then wait for designers to contact me to apply for the job?!
Let’s Bring in Some Good Business
Finally and after investigating and testing, we have launched our new Famous Bloggers Job board, hopefully it will bring some good business to our community and allow us to support each other. So, basically it’s an open job board where bloggers can post their jobs when they need help with anything related to blogging, writing, copywriting, SEO, marketing, design and development… ect.
So I am going to use the power of our blog community to deliver your job to as many people as I can, this will help you to get more people to apply for your listed job, and will give you a few good choices to pick from.
How it Works?!
Alright, it’s very simple, there are actually three parties here, the person who post the job, the person who will do the job, and the third party is FB blog.
1) List your Job on the Job board : Those who need to list a job, they will have these options (Prices could change at any time!)
- Free Listing $0.00 –> days visible: 7
- 30 Days Listing $10.00 –> days visible: 30
- Featured 30 Days $30.00 –> days visible: 30
- Featured List $50.00 –> days visible: 60
Note: There is a discount code : fb50 that can be used to get a 50% off when you list a new job, this code will expire at the end of November 2010
2) Need a Job? Search our job board and pick the one that match your skills and apply for it. Make sure to attach your portfolio and showcase your work to get a better chance.
3) Now it’s our turn, What FB will be responsible for?
- We will manage the job board
- Provide support and recommendations when needed
- Mention your job listing in a weekly round up
- promote your job listing
Incredible feedback!
I’ve sent an email through our newsletter asking for suggestions, and I’ve got some great respond actually, and here is a feedback from my friend Manz (A Senior Designer/Partner of, I’ve picked this one to share with you!
- a) You may be good at photography and there are times you can use that skill, but there are also times you need to hire a professional and/or their studio services.
- b) You may have some illustration skills which are perfect to use as resources in a design, or to present an idea to a client. But there are times when you need to hire a professional illustrator.
- c) You got an A in English class and can make your way around gamma and so forth without a problem, but you may need to still hire a copywriter to create that slogan with a hook to it.
Manz also suggested adding some awesome categories, I’ve considered a few of them. Many Thanks!
Check out the Job Board and let me hear what you think!
After getting Manz’s awesome feedback, I thought to extend this here as I really appreciate feedback and suggestions you might have in mind, so let’s have a little chat in the comments below to plan and try to get the most out of the new job board!
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