Breaking News: The Latest Stable Release of WordPress Version 2.9 “Carmen” is Available

Good news everybody, WordPress version 2.9 “Carmen” is ready, I sow the upgrade is available on, and I also did an upgrade for one of my blogs when I notice the upgrade notification on the top of my blog dashboard, but maybe so many of you didn’t get this notification yet, maybe it will show soon on your admin page, Anyways I am there to tell you about it, so.. Check the WordPress official website if you would like to upgrade now.
I have done the upgrade successfully to My Golf MK2 blog, and almost all the plugins work fine with the new version. But only if you are using simple tags plug-in then probably you will have this message on the top of your blog dashboard “Simple Tags can’t work with this WordPress version!”, but rather than that everything works great, and actually I am running a quite good number of plugins.
I am sure that all of us are waiting for WordPress 3.0 to come to the light, but why not upgrade to 2.9 if it’s easy and fast using the one click upgrade option?! (Just remember to backup your database and code like usual before upgrading!)
Matt says: 2.9 has been an exciting development cycle, and I must say it has whetted our appetite for 3.0, which is coming next (probably this spring) and will include at the very least the merge of MU with the WordPress core, and a new default theme. We can’t wait to start working on it. But first, some Carmen McRae tunes and a beer.
I believe that WordPress 3.0 is going to be awesome; I wish you all happy blogging.
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