Winners of the first Making Money Online Contest gets $620 worth of Prizes

Time was running faster than I could imagine and the month ended and we already starting a new month, and today I am so glad today to pronounce the winners of our first Making Money Online contest at MMO Social Network after 21 days of activities, and I must say that MMO Social Network will try hard to give back the good work to all it’s members. those members who cut from their time and gave to the network.
The winner are:
First place: will receive $478 worth prizes
Congratulations to Pubudu Kodikara of TechHamlet for scoring 495 points, and prizes are:
- $75 via PayPal from MMOSocialNetwork
- $282 worth “Income Blogging Guide Course” from WeBuildYourBlog & BlogTechGuy
- $67 worth Ultimate Blogging Theme packages from Carl “Kidblogger” Ocab
- $54 free membership from CrazyEgg
Congratulations to Pubudu Kodikara of TechHamlet for scoring 495 points
Now you will join a great blogging course, you will have an awesome new theme, and a powerful tool to track your blog visitors, and also cash to pay your hosting or to buy what ever you want, you have almost everything to create a successful blog and start making money from it, so.. Enjoy and don’t forget to share your success with others, and we would love to hear from you.
Second place: will receive $142 worth prizes
Congratulations to Deepika of CheckOutThis for scoring 415 and prizes are:
- $25 via PayPal from MMOSocialNetwork
- $97 worth 3 Day Money course from David Risley
- $19.95 worth ElegantThemes membership for one year from Lawmacs of Blogging The Future
You have done excellent job to make our MMO social network more active, keep your membership high and enjoy your prizes, and also don’t forget to share with us what you will do with your money and what you learn from your blog course by David.
We will be contacting the winners shortly to deliver prizes! and many thanks to our FamousBloggers sponsors.
And I would like to thank everyone participate to our contest, and good luck next time, I am thinking of how to make thing more excited, and probably we can find a different idea contest and share it with you soon, so stay tuned everybody, join our Making Money Online Social Network if you haven’t joined yet, our website stats is growing everyday, and MMO Social Network is DoFollow bookmark website, so start submitting your links and also links you like from the blogosphere today.
by the way:
I was late to pronounce the winners and publish this post because I was having some problems on the MMO Social Network website, I thought that someone hacked MMO social network today, but it was something on the host, Bluehost people changed the .htaccess files of all websites on their host today, BlueHost disabled the Symlinks, and this happen on Hostmonster hosting as well, and this caused the website not to work as expected. I found a solution for this problem at Drupal forum and now the website working like normal, just thought to share this with you, so it seems that time for us to move to another server, I am not sure when exactly I will be able to move it but I will do it in the first chance because I am sure MMO Social Network need a dedicated server to guarantee better performance and avoid shared hosting problems. OK guys.. It’s almost 3.00 am here now, so see you tomorrow 😉
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