Breaking – Thruzt Your Blog Posts!

The really big social bookmarking websites have always been mean to bloggers. Reddit will cut off your head for submitting your own post. Digg won’t let your blog post get too far.
On the other hand, smaller niche social bookmarking sites like MMOsocialnetwork, BizSugar, Blokube and My SEO Community encourage members to submit and promote their own blog posts – as long as the posts are good quality, of course.
All fine and dandy if you happen to blog about business and blogging and have no interest in reaching a wider audience.
But what if you blog about crafts?
Or fitness?
Or the military?
Or nature?
Like Digg and Reddit – but welcomes bloggers Well, finally there is a big social bookmarking site (you know, with all sorts of useful categories – and even some rather whimsical ones, too) that welcomes your blog posts:
It’s called Thruzt.
- You are welcome to submit your posts.
- You are welcome to promote your posts.
- And you won’t be stopped from “popping”.
The founder of the site had a lot to say about this in a wide-ranging interview, which I reported on my blog. No need to repeat it all here; you can read the original report at. Just make sure your posts are good quality, because nobody will vote trash or even ho-hum stuff (like plugin reviews or step-by-step software instructions) to the front page.
By the way, there is even a category (sorry, a “path”) for blogs (“tumblr & Blogs”).
You can follow me on Thruzt at And you can follow my “Howls” (read my post for details) at I hope to see you there.
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