The Thesis Theme Design Business as I see it!

Thesis Theme became the most popular WordPress theme among people who wants to make money online, this incredible WordPress theme creates a new business opportunity for many designers and developers, needless to mention bloggers and internet marketers who actually depends on it to run their online business. With over 37,534 people depends on Thesis Theme, the business reached 2 Million Dollars in total sales two years ago, and still going up.
DIYthemes has now paid out over $1 million in affiliate commissions since July of 2008.
I am going to talk about Thesis Theme Business as a successful and profitable model for all people who are in it’s circle, I can tell because I am simply one of them.
I will share with you my business story, and I will reveal a few of my secrets!
Thesis Themes Business, the huge opportunity!
Thesis Themes business has been a fantastic experience for me so far. I have created my first design for more than a year and a half ago. I realized that my readers expect more from me, so I started to share some useful Thesis themes tutorials on the blog, after that I got many customization requests. But to be honest, I didn’t want to dedicate my time for a specific client, I preferred to create my thesis skins business model towards selling memberships and individual skins for thesis. found it’s way to light at the beginning on 2011, and the business really went better than I expected.
The Big fish eats the little ones!
Three months latter, I got an email from a design company asking me if I can design for them a few thesis skins for their business, so I rejected their request without even discussing a price, it was just a simple decision to make! I had a clear vision, and I was sure that my site will bring in more profits, so I didn’t want to give my hard work to someone else that easy even if they pay me 100s of dollars, I didn’t want to create my own competitor in the market!
As soon as my competitors noticed the grow of my site, two big names in the Thesis customization and design world contacted me, both of them want the exact same thing, which is merging or acquiring my site. I am not sure why they thought I would give it up!
I realized that Thesis Skins business has more potential than I thought, I understood the motivation behind that, and I know why they both wanted to erase the existence of my site by merging or acquiring, both ways were not a win-win situation, someone has to lose, probably it was me!
So I decided to keep working hard on designing more skins, and add more development into the ones I am having to make them works better based on clients feedback. I knew that focusing on support and solving clients’ problems is really great for growing such business.
My Thesis Skins business started to take off, it really did good in only 6 months since it’s launch, so I am so proud to kick the 5 figures of income in such short period!
Some Thesis Skins you probably don’t know about!
I’ve designed several skins for Thesis themes, most of my designs are towards blogging, internet marketing and sales pages, I thought to share it with you, so here is a few examples that I think you don’t know about (looking forward to hear your feedback):
Thesis Affiliate Skin
I started to work on Affiliate skin 3 weeks ago, this happened when Mo and I planned to create a Games affiliate website based on Commission Junction network, so we thought to use WordPress and Thesis Theme to create the site. Then we added more ideas and development into that to create a Thesis Skin to affiliate products from Commission Junction, I decided to add this design along with a special plugin once it’s ready to my collection at
But, what could take me so long is I want to add some other networks to the blend, I am not so sure that CJ is actually a great choice, so please let me know if you are having success on CJ network.
Note: This skin has a dark layout to fit the gaming website soul, but I think the release won’t be dark, so you will be able to use this design to create any kind of affiliate sites.
Check Thesis Affiliate skin, demo: Shop Top Games
My Product Skin for Thesis
Many people still need to create a professional sales pages for their products, I did several tries till I ended with this design for Thesis Product Page Skin, which will allow you to easily create a sales page for your product in no time at all, it’s going to use widgets to create the layout of the page, really simple and easy, plus the option to re-arrange widgets just by dragging and dropping. Also this skin will be release once I create it’s options page.
Demo: Thesis Product Page Skin
One Page Thesis Skin
I’ve created this sales page design a few months back, it was created especially for Popup Domination and Keyword Winner plugins when they were first released in the market, I got domain names for both plugins and installed WordPress on them, then designed my skin to give them a simple and nice look as you can see below!
[box type=”info”]By the way the Popup Domination sales page was installed on a .CO domain name, some people says that Google is no longer index pages on a .CO domain name, but my page is still on Google search and the domain got it’s firs Page Rank in the last update, so I just want you to know![/box]
I am not so sure if I will release this skin as using it could be a little hard for users with no design experience, so let’s see what will happen latter, maybe I can reduce the pain one day!
Demos: Popup Domination and Keyword Winner
Why I develop using Thesis Theme?
I develop using Thesis Theme framework because it makes my work more easier and I can see great results faster than if I use any other WordPress theme, here is some points I think of:
- Thesis Theme framework have excellent collection of hooks
- Big community, over 37,534 members (potential clients)
- Great support by staff and community
I thought to create my own theme for development to make designs that work for everybody, but this will require a lot of extra time, which I don’t really have!
Don’t have Thesis Theme yet?
- If you don’t have Thesis Theme yet, then get it now, here is my aff link : Get Thesis Theme
- Check out my Thesis Skins over at
- If you are into affiliate marketing, then don’t hesitate to join my Thesis Skins Affiliate program, it pays 50% commission for every sale!
Give me your Opinion
I shared this thoughts with you to let you know that thesis themes business is really good, I want to encourage you to get into this awesome business, but remember.. you need to have enough skills to create, design, develop, market and maintain an online business based on thesis theme framework, and the most important thing for people like us is passion!
I really want to hear what you think about Thesis Skins I’ve showed you, give me your opinion, feedback and suggestions, tell me what you are looking for, so maybe I can bring it to the Thesis Skins market!
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