Please note: this blog post is not about getting more blog traffic or more sales. It is about the tools needed to run a successful blogging business. If you’ve been in the online blogging business for a while, can you remember the excitement of setting up, when you first looked in to some of the […]
Understanding the Data Your Blog Readers Provide
The amount of data that is possible to glean from your blog readers (from analytics, social media and A/B testing) is pretty substantial; in fact, those in the know are calling it “Big Data.” A pretty underwhelming word, considering 2.5 quintillion bytes of data were created every day in 2012, with an astonishing 90% of […]
How Being A Great Person Helps Blog Success
No matter what your views on life may be, it’s probable that you’ve heard a lot of stories about how people who spend their lives helping others tend to get a lot of positive things happen in return. It’s a favourite subject of viral e-mails – you read about the man who worked as a […]
How To Cure Blogging Burnout
You’ve encountered this new passion for blogging. You have probably started your own blog as well. This new platform of communication provides opportunity and excitement. These emotions fulfill us momentarily. However, a few short weeks later, we discover that the honeymoon phase of blogging has past. To keep your blogging career a success, you must […]
Have the New Blog Blues? 7 Business Principles That Make Blogging Easier
As a new-ish blogger, do you ever feel overwhelmed with all the things you’re supposed to learn and do in order to get things rolling? I mean there’s a ton of it, isn’t there? The experts tell us: Epic content is king, it’s all about guest posting, make sure your Facebook page is a priority, […]