The Mindset for Successful Blogging Free eBook by James King

It’s really cool to get a blogging advice from those who has been blogging for a while and don’t mind to share their tips and advice for free, today James King is launching a new Free Blogging Tips eBook I would like to share with you. I knew James since long time back, and we’ve made a great connection and interview together more than one year ago on the new media bloggers blog, check out my interview with James King.
I am also going to post the video here at the end of this post for you here to get to know James better.
What is the biggest achievement for a blogger?
Is it to earn money blogging? is it to build high blog traffic?
Well.. James has a different opinion about that, and I also have something to add to his opinion!
James says in his e-book that..
The biggest achievement for bloggers is to never quit. You’d be surprised how close some people are to success. They maybe a few short hurdles from reaching their goals, but only if just continued a bit longer they may have experienced success.
I would like to add that the biggest achievement for a blogger is to keep blogging! Some how negative words in a great advice could put you down, so I prefer to say “Keep Blogging” rather than “Never Quit”, this is my two cents!
The e-book is really cool, James talks about several topics that will help you get the whole picture of “What is a Blog”, how to achieve blogging success and how inspiration provides creation as he see it. It’s a free e-book and you can grab it instantly by visiting the Free Blogging Tips eBook post.
Watch James King’s video!
Here is the video of the my interview with James King, this happened more than one year ago, it was really exciting to get him to do this video for a very new and established blog at that time! So, it’s a nice chance to thank him for the great work and support. Oh! Also James King is one of our great contributors here on FamousBloggers!
Don’t forget to download the Free Blogging Tips eBook after watching the video.
What could be the answer of this question? What is the biggest achievement for a blogger? (share your opinion and thoughts)
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