What’s Up Bloggers! Roundup #2 with Ileane Smith

Continuing our series from what was started here: What’s Up Bloggers! Friday Roundup #1. Are you ready?
Ok, as a reminder, the purpose of this series is to “introduce bloggers to more of their peers in the blogosphere and likely offer new opportunities to make friends, build collaborations, and get more traffic for your own blog.” Famous Bloggers Roundup #2 “re-kicks off” the “What’s Up, Bloggers!” series.
Every Friday at Noon, get a taste of what our blogging buddies have been up to in the blogosphere. We’ll be answering these questions and sharing what we find with you, our blogging audience.
- What did they discover?
- What did they reveal?
- What problem did they solve?
- Any new collaborations?
- What new tool gets the nod and deserves a look-see?
- What bites the dust?
- What cool experiment took place?
- Who had some unexpected results this past week?
- Who got a nice (or nasty!) surprise in the last 7 days?
- Any new reviews of new or old technology?
- Were any of our blogging buddies featured in mainstream media?
- Who got an award?
- Who’s sponsoring a giveaway?
- What business tips were offered?
And more! Now, keep in mind that it is possible that some of these questions do not apply to our particular chosen blogger. But, that is ok because it is about quality and not quantity, right?
In this section, we talk about what the newest buzzwords are out there. What do you think? What word have you heard (that possibly you have never heard before) that is popping up all over the blogosphere? Help me out on this one and put in the comment section. We will be happy to cover it in our next roundup, giving YOU credit!
Suggested Tool for Bloggers
Ok, I admit, I haven’t really used this tool. In fact, I just signed up for it a couple of minutes ago! However, it is FREE! I don’t spend my day looking for everything free (I have work to do. lol). However, I just couldn’t pass up trying this one out and it has a value of $180 (annual payment, I presume).
What is it? It is Sumry and it is like a visual resume.

Why do I recommend it for bloggers?
It could be used to highlight your accomplishments and give a visual presentation of who you are and what you know. Hey, maybe it could be used to show to places like Huffington Post, to get authorship on your desired site! Hey, not sure about that one since I haven’t tried it yet, but it is a thought. If any of you try that, be sure to share with us!
So, how do you get it? First, move FAST. This offer is only good for a few hours. Here is the link you need >>
Social Media, Influence, Engagement
There are so many wonderful social media gurus and influencers out there that it is hard to limit myself to only a few. This week, I’m going to spotlight Ileane Smith.
Fellow blogger and social media superstar, Ileane Smith (of Basic Blog Tips) says “Together we’ll explore all the top strategies available to help you master the art of content creation!” on her “About” page.
To be honest with you, I don’t know how she does it, but she does it, I guarantee! She is already busy during the day, but finds time to be one of the most active and effective (those don’t always go hand-in-hand) content marketers and social media gurus out there, not to mention internet celebrity. She has her own “Fan Club” on Facebook. And, how did she get started? She shares her story in an interview we did and mentions things like almost accidentally falling into it! Talk about success! Ms. Ileane has a knack for learning how to do things and then sharing that (in common language) with the rest of us so that we can learn with her.
[Twitter: @ileane]
Ms. Ileane is not only a ninja in the area of blogging, but she is also a podcasting superstar (check her out at http://ileanesmith.com/category/podcast/) and she is a subject matter expert in the area of YouTube. You will definitely want to see about signing up for her YouTube class online (currently sale priced!). Why? Because this lady knows her stuff. I may be a pro at producing the YouTubes, but Ms. Ileane knows all that stuff that you need to know, as a blogger interested in expanding into video, for actually getting it out there and promoting it!
There is so much more I could tell you about Ms. Ileane. She is a dear and she is the real thing and not a fake. But, I’ll let you have the opportunity to check out some of the links, above, and see for yourself 🙂
Wrapping Up the RoundUP
We hope this new series, What’s Up, Bloggers! will introduce you to bloggers you haven’t met before whose articles, research, experiments, advice, and opinions will give you new opportunities to make friends, build collaborations, and get more traffic for your own blog. Pick a few, go over and say hello!
Got any ideas for categories of bloggers we should feature or types of questions we should answer? Let us know in the comments below.
Thanks for reading!
Credits Photos and quotes taken from the featured bloggers articles, guest posts and/or About Me pages on their websites. Vintage Typewriter for Morgue Files in public domain.
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